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demption of the Red Man; All About Japan; Adventures with Four-Footed Folk; also contributor to magazines and newspapers, principally religious. Presbyterian.

BRAINE, Elizabeth Musgrove, 942 St. Marks Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Assistant principal of schools; b. Piermont, N.J., Dec. 10, 1868; dau. Charles Rowland and Felicie (McCobb) Braine; grad. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, '89; won State scholarship for Cornell, 1889; entered with class of 1883, left at close of junior year to begin teaching, 1892, completed course B.A. 1906. Passed examination for principal of elementary schools, 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Political Union. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Interborough Ass'n of Women Teachers, Women Principals' Eligible List, Ass'n of Ass't Principals of N.Y. City, College of Settlements Ass'n, Cornell Women's Club of N.Y.

BRAINERD, Eleanor Hoyt, East Hampton, Conn.

Writer; b. Iowa City, Iowa, 1869; dau. Walter and Louise (Smith) Hoyt; grad. Wesleyan Coll., Cincinnati, A.B., A.M.; m. Des Moines, Iowa, 1903, Charles Chisholm Brainerd. Taught in Alma Mater and in N.Y. City private school; reporter on N.Y. Sun for seven years; magazine and book writer since. Author: Misdemeanors of Nancy; Concerning Belinda; Bettina; In Vanity Fair; The Personal Conduct of Belinda. Favors woman suffrage.

BRAISLIN, Mary Raymond, Crosswicks, N.J.

Born Burlington, N.J., Jan. 2, 1860; dau. John and Elizabeth (Weber) Braislin; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. Principal of the Priscilla Braislin School, Bordentown, N.J., 1889-99; dean of Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis., 1900-09. Mem. Board of Education of Chesterfield Township, Burlington Co., N.J., 1906; dist. clerk, 1908. Mem. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, Vassar Students' Aid Soc, Maria Mitchell Nantucket Ass'n, Priscilla Braislin Memorial Ass'n. Mem. Contemporary Club, Trenton, N.J. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

BRALEY, Love A. Webb (Mrs. Alden Braley), Fournet Block, Crookston, Minn.

Worthy grand matron Order Eastern Star; b. Otis, Mass., July 29, 1850; dau. Lucius and Sophia (Dunham) Webb; ed. Otis, Mass., finished school at Granville, Vt.; m. Alden Braley; one daughter: Love Beatrice, b. 1886 (Mrs. P. H. Wood). Mem. Order of Eastern Star, having filled various offices until reached the highest office, worthy grand matron of Minn., 1910, and re-elected 1911; represented Minn, at General Grand Chapter of the World, held in Jacksonville, Fla., 1910; has been pres. of the Library Auxiliary and Town Improvement League; has been sec. of the Old Settlers' Ass'n since organization, 1903. Mem. the Woman's Club, Study Club, Bay View and various others. Mem. People's Church.

BRAMBLE, Anna Dripps, W. Monastery Av., Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa.

Teacher; b. Roxborough, Aug. 20, 1885; dau. James and Clara E. Knowlton Bramble; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girls, '02, Swarthmore Coll., B.A. '06; graduate student Univ. of Pa. Engaged as teacher in Philadelphia High School for Girls. Mem. Swarthmore Alumnae; elector on the Electoral Board of College Settlement Ass'n, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Favors woman suffrage.

BRAMHALL, Edith Clementine, Rockford College. Rockford, Ill.

College professor; b. Indiana; grad. Univ. of Ind., A.B. '95; Univ. of Pa., A.M. '96, Ph.D. '98; fellow in history, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-99. Teacher of history in Manual Training School, Indianapolis, Ind., 1899-1900; instructor, 1900-02; professor of history and economics since 1902, Rockford (Ill.) Coll.

BRAMHALL, Florence Adelaide (Mrs. William Ely Bramhall), Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul, Minn.

Born St. Paul, April, 1864; dau. Abram S. and Sue Carroll (Fryer) Elfelt; ed. St. Paul High School; Prof. Fogg's Acad.; m. St. Paul, 1888, William Ely Bramhall. In charge of the forestry interests for club women of State seven years: took the initiative in establishing the Nat. Forest Reserve in Northern Minn.; pres. St. Paul Women's Civic League; took the responsibility in connection with the Commercial Club in establishing city playgrounds and amending the city charter to provide for their continued maintenance. Favors woman suffrage. Has written a great deal in connection with civic and educational matters for newspapers and Western magazines. Unitarian. Mem. New Century Club, Women's Civic League, Women's Welfare League.

BRANCH, Anna Hempstead, Hempstead House, New London, Conn.

Writer; b. New London, Conn.; dau. John Locke Branch (lawyer) and Mary Lydia (Bolles) Branch (author); grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; Am. Acad, of Dramatic Art, N.Y. City. Contributor to magazines, author and playwright. Author: The Heart of the Road; The Shoes that Danced; Nimrod and Other Poems; and the play Rose of the Wind (produced at Empire Theatre, N.Y. City, 1908). Director New London Playgrounds Ass'n, 1900-10.

BRANCH, Mary Lydia Bolles (Mrs. John Locke Branch), Hempstead House, New London, Conn.

Author; b. New London, Conn., June 15, 1840; dau. John Rogers and Mary (Hempstead) Bolles; ed. New London, and Lincoln F. Emerson's School, Boston, Mass.; m. New London, Conn., April 20, 1870, Jonn Locke Branch; children: John Bolles (deceased), Anna Hempstead. Author: The Kanter Girls; Aunt Patty's Schoolroom; The Manner of Life of Nancy Hempstead; A Visit to Newfoundland; also several pamphlets. Mem. Lucretia Shaw Chapter D.A.R., Soc. of Mayflower Descendants in Conn., New London County Historical Soc, Froebel Soc. of Brooklyn, Hempstead Family Ass'n, Saturday Club of New London, Conn.

BRANNAN, Sophie Marston, 939 Eighth Av., N.Y. City.

Artist; b. Mountain View, Cal.; dau. John E. and Carrie Augusta Sheldon Brannan; ed. Mark Hopkins Inst. of Art, for black and white, under Arthur F. Mathews, San Francisco, Cal.; also studied in Paris. Concour for life class and portrait at Mark Hopkins Inst, of Art, San Francisco, Emerson McMillan Landscape Prize of $100, Women's Art Club of N.Y. City. Has studios in N.Y. City and San Francisco; has exhibited in Nat. Academy of Design, N.Y., also many other places. Clubs: Sequoia (San Francisco), Women's Art, Women Painters (N.Y. City). Unitarian.

BRANNER, Susan Dow Kennedy (Mrs. John Casper Branner), Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.

Born Oneida, N.Y.; ed. in Oneida (N.Y.) schools; Vassar Coll., A.B. '79; m. Oneida, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1883, John Casper Branner, Ph.D., LL.D. (geologist; vice-pres. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ.); two sons, one daughter. Was teacher in Germantown, Pa., 1879-80; in Utica, N.Y., 1880-83.

BRANSON, Anna Mary, Alpine, Texas.

Writer; b. Coatesville, Pa., Nov. 8, 1883; dau. Henry James and Mary Frances (Parke) Bransom; grad. Coatesville (Pa.) High School, '98; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '03, A.M. '04; graduate scholar in Latin, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1903-05. Teacher of French in the Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1904-05; teacher of Latin, Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y., 1905-08. Newspaper correspondent and writer of occasional stories and articles in magazines and newspapers. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

BRANSTETTER, Winnie E. (Mrs. Otto F. Branstetter), 205 W. Washington St., Chicago, Ill.

Born in Missouri, 1879; dau. Ambrose and Gertrude (Prather) Shirley; ed. Okla. Univ., Kansas City schools; m. Liberty, Mo., 1899, Otto F. Branstetter; children: Gertrude Lizzetta, Theresa Shirley. Lecturer and writer of articles for Socialist and labor press. Socially and politically active; mem. Nat. Woman's Com., Socialist Party, since 1908; general correspondent of com.

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