Teaching of Reading in Wis. State Manual of Course of Study for Common Schools. Unitarian. Mem. Dep't of Education, Nat. Congress of Mothers; vice-pres. Wis. Peace Soc; mem. Nat. Soc. for Scientific Study of Education. Active mem. Nat., Educational Ass'n; mem. Kenosha Woman's' Club, Kenosha Woman's Alliance; chairman Com. on Education of Wis. Fed. of Women's Clubs for two terms; mem. Co. Com. on Exhibits, Chicago World's Fair; mem. State Com. on Educational Exhibits, St. Louis Worlds Fair.
BRADFORD, Stella Stevens, 11 Plymouth St., Montclair, N.J.
Physician; b. in N.J.; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '93; student of sociology, N.Y. Univ., 1893-94; literature, Univ. of Göttingen, 1895; Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, 1898-99; Cornell Univ., 1899-1902, M.D. '02. Teacher, Montclair, N.J., 1893-94; Elizabeth, N.J., 1895-96; ass't in English literature, Smith Coll., 1896-98. Interne Worcester (Mass.) Memorial Hospital, 1902-03; clinical ass't Gouverneur Dispensary, N.Y. City, 1903-06 and 1909-10; examining physician Smith Coll, 1906-09; physician Mountainside Hospital since 1904 and of Ramapo (N.J.) Sanatorium since 1909. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n and Acad. of Medicine of N.Y.
BRADLEE, Edith Gerry Keene (Mrs. Edward Chamberlin Bradlee), 179 School St., Milton, Mass.
Born Lynn, Mass., Aug. 9, 1874; dau. William G. S. and Frances Blackler (Gerry) Keene; ed. at a Boston private school; Miss Capen's School, Northampton, and one year at Smith Coll.; m. Swampscott, Mass., Dec. 1, 1906, Edward Chamberlin Bradllee; children: Susan Bartlett Bradlee, b. Jan. 7, 1908; Sarah Goddard Bradlee, b. Feb. 6, 1909. Episcopalian, formerly Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Guild of Episcopal Church. Mem. Lend-a-Hand Club.
BRADLEY, Alice Deering (Mrs. Arthur Bradley), 2081 E. Thirty-sixth St., Cleveland, O.
Born Chicago, Jan. 18, 1856; dau. John Parker and Susan (Porter) Ilsley; ed. Philadelphia private schools; m. Germantown, 1891, Arthur Bradley; one son: Arthur Ilsley Bradley. Musical editor Cleveland papers and cor. Musical America of N.Y. City. Vice-pres. of Middle Section Nat. Fed. of Musical Clubs; chairman Extension Com. of Fortnightly Musical Club of Cleveland, having charge of concerts given in schools, libraries, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian.
BRADLEY, Dolly Holland Sipe (Mrs. James Clifford Bradley), 922 Frick Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Educated high school, Washington, D.C.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '99; Columbia (now George Washington) Univ., A.M. '02; graduate student 1901-03; m. 1904, James Clifford Bradley. Teacher of English, German and Latin in York (Pa.) Collegiate Inst., 1890-1900; Latin and English in Miss Flint's School, Washington, D.C., 1901-04. instructor in Latin, Trinity Coll., Washington, D.C, 1903-04.
BRADLEY, Emma Louise, 485 Westford St., Lowell, Mass.
Teacher; b. Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '86; student of French, English and German, Amherst Summer School, 1894; Alliance Française, Paris, summers of 1896, 1909; Alliance Française, St. Malo, France, summer of 1909. Teacher in Lowell (Mass.) High School since 1889. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of America, Alliance Française.
BRADLEY, Jennie E. (Mrs. James Bradley), Twin Falls, Idaho.
Born Clinton Co., Ohio, April 3, 1848; dau. Thomas and Caroline (Weir) Mills; ed. Cornell Coll., Ia., and Adrian Coll., Mich.; m. Jan. 7, 1875, James Bradley; children: Clyde M., James Guy, Marian Edith. Mem. Order of Eastern Star; was grand matron Order of Eastern Star of S.Dak., 1898. Clubs: Shakespeare, Twentieth Century, Emerson. Presbyterian.
BRADLEY, Liela Griswold (Mrs. Clarence E. Bradley), Geary, Okla.
Born Sandwich Island, Feb. 16, 1862; dau. James and Ann M. (Slye) Griswold; ed. Sandwich High School; grad. Northwestern Coll., Naperville, Ill., '84, degree L.E.L.; m. Yorkville, Ill., Sept. 15, 1887, Clarence E. Bradley; children: Clarence Griswold, b. 1889 (died 1890); Lyle Alwin, b. 1890; Harold Clayton, b. 1892. Teacher before marriage. Active in Sunday-school work; interested in all movements for betterment of mankind. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood, Chapter F. (Geary, Okla.); Missionary and Aid Societies of the Presbyterian Church. Mem. Woman's Literary and Study Club of Geary (was the organizer); vice-pres, of the Second Dist. of Federated Clubs of Oklahoma, 1912-14. Presbyterian.
BRADLEY, Marian Hawley, Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Danbury, Conn.; ed. schools of Danbury, Conn, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '87. Teacher Danbury (Conn.) High School, 1887-92; Alinda Preparatory School, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1892-93; Girls' High School, Brooklyn, since 1893.
BRADNER, Edith Mitchel (Mrs. Lester Bradner), 144 Benefit St., Providence, R.I.
Born Flushing, N.Y., 1870; dau. William King and Annie C. (Mitchell) Murray; m. Flushing, N.Y., 1885, Rev. Lester Bradner; children: William, John, Edith. Interested in education, teacher training for Sunday-schools, child welfare, ornithology. Episcopalian. Mem. Audobon Soc, R.I. Sunday-school Alumnae Ass'n, R.I. Clerica, Girls' Friendly Soc, Shakespearian Soc., Providence Mothers' Club. Against woman suffrage.
BRADSHAW, Elizabeth Mahan (Mrs. Harmon Bradshaw), Lebanon, Ind.
Born Thornton, Ind., Dec. 25, 1874; dau. Oliver Perry and Mary M. (Hoover) Mahan; ed. Lebanon public schools (grad. May, 1894); the Western Coll., Oxford, O.; De Pauw Univ., '97 Ph.D. (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Lebanon, Ind., Jan. 3. 1901; one daughter: Mary Frances. Mem. Industrial Union of Presbyterian Church, the Missionary Soc; during season of 1912-13 managed an artist's course, giving three concerts during the winter in Lebanon. Lives on farm and is specially interested in raising chickens and ducks and raising hogs for the market. Clubs: Bay View Reading, Ladies' Afternoon, Thimble, Good Will. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
BRADY, Susie Frances Brown (Mrs. Adhemar Brady), Titusville, Fla.
Born Hamilton, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1856; dau. Philip Perry and Sarah (Jackson) Brown; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; Shurtleff Coll., Alton, Ill. (Sigma Phi); m. City Point, Fla., May 25, 1898, Adhemar Brady. Taught for 17 years in Brevard and Dade counties, Florida. Interested in civic, village improvement, cemetery improvement and library work. Pres. Progressive Culture Club for eight years; started Fortnightly Club for young women, a civic improvement club. Mem. Episcopal Guild of St. Gabriel's Church.
BRAGDON, Oliver Hurd (Mrs. Frank Adelbert Bragdon), 19 Upton St., Boston, Mass.
Writer; b. Limington, Me., July 13, 1858; dau. Andrew Jackson and Hannah Catherine (Bangs) Hurd; ed. Westbrook (Me.) Sem.; m. Limington, Me., June 14, 1879, Frank Adelbert Bragdon. Was teacher for three years preceding marriage. Contributor of juvenile stories to magazines. Author: The Moon Party; Pup, An Autobiography of a Greyhound.
BRAIN, Belle Marvel, College Hill, Schenectady, N.Y.
Author; b. Springfield, O., Aug. 4, 1859; dau. William Grey and Mary (Dyer) Brain; ed. public schools, Cincinnati and Springfield; grad. high school, '76. Served as supervisor of drawing in public schools in Springfield, 1878-96; then turned to literary work. Author: Fuel for Missionary Fires; Weapons for Temperance Warfare; Quaint Thoughts of an Old-Time Army Chaplain; The Morning Watch; The Transformation of Hawaii; Fifty Missionary Programs; Fifty Missionary Stories; Missionary Reading for Missionary Programs; Holding the Ropes; Re-