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way, b. Aug. 24, 1903. Pres. Cosmopolitan Club of Manchester, Conn.

BOWERS, Rose Alexander (Mrs. Paul E. Bowers), 222½ W. Ninth St., Michigan City, Ind.

Physician; b. Denver, Colo.; dau. O. A. and Rose (Kelsey) Alexander; grad. Philadelphia High School for Girls, 1905; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '09; m. Chicago, Ill., July 18, 1911, Paul B. Bowers, M.D. Appointed physician to Government Hospital, Washington, D.C.; resigned July, 1911. Mem. Social Service Commission of Protestant Episcopal Church. Active suffragist. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. (Eugenia Washington Chapter, Washington, D.C.). Practicing physician at Michigan City, Ind.

BOWIE, Virginia Berkley, 811 Hamilton Terrace, Baltimore, Md.

Magazine writer; b. Catonsville, Md., July 8, 1880; dau. Dr. Howard Strafford and Laura (Berkley) Bowie; ed. at home and at Southern Home School, Baltimore, Md. Author: Short stories for Cosmopolitan, Smart Set, etc. Mem. Colonial Dames, Nat. Soc. D.A.R. (Washington-Custis Chapter), Navy League of U.S., Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore. Emphatically for suffrage.

BOWKER, Marion Esther, 573 Main St., Athol, Mass.

Physician; b. Montague, Mass., Nov. 21, 1885; dau. Alphonso V. and E. Louise (Amidon) Bowker; ed. Athol High School (second honor), Tufts Med. Coll., M.D. '07 (youngest member of class, twenty-one and one-half years). Passed Mass. State Board in 1907, Maine Board in 1907; office in Leominster, Mass.; Mar.-Sept., 1900, interne Mass. Homeopathic Hospital, Boston 1907-08; office in Athol since Sept. 1910. Vice-pres. Junior Alliance of Unitarian Church; active in Social Service Dep't of Woman's Club; played flute and piccolo in Navassar Ladies' Band during the summer of 1906 and 1909 in all parts of the U.S. and Canada. Mem. Orpheus Club, Athol Woman's Club, Eastern Star. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.

BOWLBY, Helene Boileau (Mrs. John H. Bowlby), 131 E. William St., Bath, N.Y.

Born Savona, N.Y., 1866; dau. Thomas and Adelia (Simmins) Boileau; ed. Cornell Univ., B.S. '99 (special mention in chemistry); mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. Bath, N.Y., 1893, John H. Bowlby; children: Thomas, Margaret. Protestant Episcopal.

BOWLES, Ada C. (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Bowles), Greyledge, Stage Fort Heights, Gloucester, Mass.

Minister; b. Gloucester, Aug. 2, 1836; dau. David and Eliza (Steele) Burpee; ed. in Gloucester schools and by private study; licensed to preach, Boston, '69; ordained in Pa., 1876, while pastor of the Universalist Church of Easton, Pa.; m. Gloucester, Nov. 5, 1858, Rev. Benjamin Franklin Bowles; children: Louise Isburgh, Frances Ada, Donald; three step children: Charles, Margaret, Etta. Resident pastorates: Marlboro, Mass.; Easton, Pa.; Kingston, N.H.; East Gloucester, Mass.; assistant to husband, San Francisco and Abington, Mass.; after his death, pastor Universalist Church in Pomona, Cal. Treas. Associated Charities; mem. Woman's Relief Corps; agent of Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; served on school board of Abington, Mass.; chairman Com. on Church Suffrage Work, Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; active in suffrage work since 1869; pres. first Cambridge Suffrage Ass'n, also of Middlesex Co., ex-committee of Mass. and New England Suffrage societies, Philadelphia Suffrage Soc. and was pres. Cal. State Suffrage Ass'n; national lecturer. Contributor of prose and verse to various periodicals, local and general, since 15 years of age; has written some booklets. Universalist Progressive in politics. Mem. Am. Peace Soc., Soc. for Russian Freedom, Anti-Slavery Soc, Moral Reform Soc, Educational and Industrial Union, W.C.T.U. (having held several State superintendences); sec. Woman's Ministerial Union. Recreations: Housekeeping, music drama. Clubs: Professional Women's, Winter green and Pentagon (all of Boston).

BOWMAN, Betty Hill, Bonne Terre, Mo.

Former educator, club worker; b. Freeburg, Ill., June 16, 1876; dau. George W. and Helen (Turner) Hill; ed. St. Louis public schools, Washington Univ., St. Louis, A.B. '97; m. St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1905, J. J. Bowman. Teacher of languages in Liberty Ladies' Coll., Liberty, Mo., 1899-05. Pres. Ninth District (Mo.) Federation of Women's Clubs. Baptist. Mem. Congregational Missionary Soc. Opposed to woman suffrage. Treas. Home Culture Club of Bonne Terre.

BOWMAN, Eda C, Cormvells, Maud P.O., Bucks Co., Penn.

Social worker; b. Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 25, 1877; dau. John P. and Ellen T. (Wylie) Bowman; grad. Vassar, A.B. with honors (Phi Beta Kappa) '99, A.M. (mathematics and astronomy) 1900. Instructor in mathematics, Vassar Coll., 1905, Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory, Pasadena, Cal., 1912. Identified with social work in connection with Soc. for Organization of Charity, Philadelphia. Pastor's assistant, Central Congregational Church, Philadelphia, 1907-08-09. Mem. Browning Soc, Philadelphia. Associate of Coll. Alumnae, Maria Mitchell Memorial Ass'n. Recreation: Flower gardening. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.

BOWMAN, Elsa, 49 E. Eighty-fourth St., N.Y. City.

Born N.Y. City; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96. Teacher of science and mathematics, St. Timothy's School, Catonsville, Md., 1896-98; Brearley School, N.Y. City, since 1898. Reader in mathematics, College Entrance Examination Board, 1902-04.

BOWMAN, Ida Wright (Mrs. F. Lancelot Bowman), Larch Av., Bogota, N.J.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., July 9, 1880; dau. Henry Richardson and Ida (Kohl) Wright; ed. Swarthmore Coll., B.L. '02; Oxford Univ., England; (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Bogota, N.J., June 30, 1909, F. Lancelot Bowman; one daughter: Edith. Teacher; lecturer on current events; instructor Browning Study Club; mem. Bogota Board of Education. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal.

BOWMAN, Jennie, 401 W. Lima St., Ada, O.

Public reader; b. Leipsic, O., Mar. 27, 1877; dau. Martin and Ann (Hull) Bowman; ed. Ohio Northern Univ.; Newcomer's School of Expression (degree of Master of Oratory). Instructor in Lima Coll., 1904-07; Ohio Northern Univ., 1907-12. Has given over three hundred public entertainments as a public reader. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Christian Church (Disciples). Democrat.

BOWMAN, Luella Wait (Mrs. William Law Bowman), 1522 Jessup Av., N.Y. City.

Musician; b. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 17, 1888; dau. John Cassan and Ginevra C. (Westlake) Wait; piano pupil of Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. David Mannes; violin pupil of Prof. Buitrago and David Mannes of N.Y. City, and Prof. O. Sevcik of Prag, Bohemia; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 25, 1908, William Law Bowman; one daughter: Elizabeth. Concert master of N.Y. Symphony Club; accompanist and ass't to Oscar Saenger. Presbyterian. Recreations: Sailing, swimming, dancing, tennis. Mem. Symphony Club of N.Y. Favors woman suffrage.

BOWMAN, Mabel E., Wykeham Rise School, Washington, Conn.

Principal private school; b. Somerville, Mass., Dec. 23, 1872; dau. Selwyn and Martha E. (Tufts) Bowman; ed. Somerville School; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '87; Radcliffe Coll., post-graduate work, 1898. Taught at Walnut Hill, Natick, Mass.; Lexington, Mass.; Dr. Bellow's School, Boston. Mass.; vice-principal Wykeham Rise School. Washington, Conn. Mem. Boston College Club. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.

BOYCE, Addisone Schipper, 934 Ogden Av., N.Y. City.

Physician; b. Middletown, N.Y., Oct 6, 1881; dau. William and Elsie (Schipper) Boyce; ed. high school, private schools; grad. N.Y. Medical Coll. and Hospital for Women, 1906. Sec. N.Y.

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