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William Henry and Anne E. (Newton) Burt; ed. Whitman Sem., St Paul's School, Walla Walla,

Wash.; m. Walla Walla, Dec. 6, 1882, Edmund Bowden; children: Edmund Robert, William Burt Ex-regent Rainier Chapter D.A.R.; mem. Ladies' Relief Soc., which maintains the Seattle Children's Home; mem. Children's Orthopedic Hospital Ass'n, Seattle Fruit and Flower Mission, Day Nursery Ass'n, Girls' Training School Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Washington State Pioneer Ass'n, Nat. Soc. of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Ladies' Branch Seattle Tennis Club. Appointed hostess for Seattle Week at the Lewis and Clark Exposition held in Portland, Ore., in 1905, by the Hon. Richard A. Ballinger, then mayor of Seattle, Descendant of seven of the "Original Proprietors" of Taunton, Mass., South Purchase, 1672.

BOWDITCH, Sylvia Church Scudder (Mrs. Ingersoll Bowditch), 19 Buckingham St., Cambridge, Mass.

Born Cambridge, Mass.; dau. Horace E. and Grace (Owen) Scudder; ed. Cambridge (Mass.) School for Girls and private tutors; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; grad. student Radcliffe Coll., 1901-02; m. 1904, Ingersoll Bowditch; children: Samuel Ingersoll, b. Mar. 4, 1906; Sylvia Church Jr., b. Aug. 19, 1910; Charles Pickering, b. Nov. 17, 1912. Teacher of Greek and English in the Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, 1902-04. Honorary corresponding sec. Bryn Mawr Coll. for Boston, Mass.

BOWEN, Anna Cara Cornelia, 210 East Main St., Batavia, N.Y.

Formerly a teacher, investigator; b. Batavia, N.Y.; daughter of George and Emerette Amelie Hewlett (Walker) Bowen; ed. Batavia, Farmington, Conn., Cornell Univ. A.B., Radcliffe Coll. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Teacher in Washington Coll., Atlanta, Ga., N.Y. City, Rockford Coll., Rockford, Ill. Interested in psychology, psychic research, astronomy, bacteriology, immigration and suffrage reforms and in the prevention of cruelty to animals. Mem. English, French and Am. Socs. for Psychic Research Theosophical Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Cornell Alumnae Ass'n, Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (Boston). Recreations: Long walks, interesting reading, superintending and working in a flower garden, travel in interesting countries, mountain climbing. Has written for newspapers and occasionally for the magazines. Believes in suffrage with educational and property qualifications, restricted to American-born men and women.

BOWEN, Annie Beauregard, 1835 De Lancey Place, Philadelphia, Pa.

Born St. Louis, Mo.; dau. Major General John S. Bowen, C.S.A., and Mary Preston (Kennerly) Bowen; grad. Visitation Convent, St Louis, Mo., 1878. Elected pres. Visitation Convent (St. Louis) Alumnae, 1910; reelected 1912; sec Tabernacle Soc Notre Dame, Philadelphia, for many years. Catholic

BOWEN, Louise de Koven (Mrs. Joseph Tilton Bowen), 1430 Astor St., Chicago, Ill.

Born Chicago, Feb. 26, 1859; dau. John and Helen (Haddock) de Koven; ed Dearborn Seminary, Chicago; m. Chicago, June 1, 1886, Joseph Tilton Bowen; children: John de Koven, Joseph Tilton, Jr., Helen Haddock, Louise de Koven. Pres. Juvenile Protective Ass'n of Chicago. Trustee and treasurer of Hull House, vice-pres. United Charities, pres. Hull House Woman's Club, mem. Chicago Visiting Nurse Asso., Playground Ass'n. Vice-pres. Illinois Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Cook Co. Ass'n, etc. Episcopalian. Mem. Hull House Woman's Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Friday Club. Sadden and Cycle Club.

BOWEN, Margaret Barber (Mrs. Clayton Raymond Bowen), Meadville, Pa

Born Somerville, Mass., Oct. 30, 1874; dau. Henry Harvey Barber (Unitarian clergyman and educator) and Eliza Hapgood (Pratt) Barber; ed. Allegheny Coll. and Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '96 (mem. Alpha Chi Omega); m. Charlestown, N.H., Sept 12, 1905, Prof. Clayton Raymond Bowen, Unitarian theologian. After graduating from college was connected with Boston publishing houses; on staff of Atlantic Monthly, 1899-1900. Mem. Consumers' League, Esperanto Ass'n of North America, etc Favors equal suffrage. Contributor to various periodicals. Unitarian.

BOWEN, Mrs. Mary M., Independent Japanese Mission, 1315 Fifth St., Sacramento, Cal.

Writer, philanthropist; b. Morgantown, W.Va., 1849; dau. Hon. Lot Garrison Bowen (military officer and statesman) and Casandra Vance (Wright) Bowen; ed. Morgantown Coll., Mt. Carroll, Ill. (music); Baltimore (art diploma); tutors and governesses; widowed before nineteen; one daughter: Maude Genevieve Feore, lost later; resumed maiden name for literary reasons. At age of 23, through Dr. George W. Wilding, successfully presented anti-divorce theme before Gen. Conference M.E. Church in N.Y. City (see chapter in Disciple). Home missionary under M.E. Church in Savannah and Cincinnati, 1890-92. Organizer; only woman to establish independent work for Japanese; first missions in Southern California, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento; mission for Koreans. Edits Megupmi No Hikari. Name presented at Emperor's Court 1903, for services rendered to young students on Pacific Coast. Devoted to children, aged and alms hospitals. Favors woman suffrage. Active in civics. Votes. Began literary career at 14, has written under nom-de-plume in Scribner's, St Nicholas', Arthur's, Demorest's and Youth's Companion. Protége of Whittier and John G. Holland; has several unpublished volumes to appear. Methodist, but ordained in United Brethren Church. Mem. State Board of W.C.T.U., Sacramento Saturday Club (second largest music club in U.S.). Recreations: Riding, nature studies, music, art. Known as an authority on Japanese topics.

BOWER, Dr. Emma E., Port Huron, Mich.

Physician, secretary; b. Ann Arbor, Mich.; dau. Henry and Margaret Gertrude (Chase) Bower; grad. Univ. of Mich., grad. M.D. Gave up practice of medicine to act as secretary for a fraternal beneficiary order composed exclusively of women, the oldest woman's fraternal order; vice-pres. at large of the Nat. Council of Women of the U.S.; sec. Ladies of the Modern Maccabees; treas. Michigan Woman's Press Ass'n (was pres. 2 years). Edited for 8 years a county Democratic newspaper, selling it when taking up present business. Was mem. Ann Arbor School Board 9 years, serving as pres. and also treas. during that time. Has been pres. of Ass'n of Secretaries of the Nat. Fraternal Congress, also pres. Nat. Press Ass'n of the Nat. Fraternal Congress. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Relief Corps, Rebekahs, Order of Eastern Star. Favors woman suffrage.

BOWER, Olive Stanley (Mrs. George Bower), Albion, Ill.

Born Edgewood, Ill., Oct. 17, 1871; dau. Peaker and Margaret (Edmiston) Stanley; grad. Coll. of Liberal Arts, De Pauw Univ., '93; Music School, 3894; studied with Godowsky in Chicago, 1897-98; m. Albion, Ill., Jan. 25, 1899, George Bower. Treas. of Woman's Home Missionary Soc of Southern Ill. Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Albion Shakespeare Club. Taught music in Union Christian Coll., Merom, Ind., 1894-95, and 1895-96.

BOWERMAN, Helen Cox, Point Pleasant, N.J.

Teacher; b. Rochester, N.Y., July 27, 1878; dau Daniel and Mary (Weeks) Bowerman; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B. '01; Univ. of Rochester, A.M. '03; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1908-10, 19U-12, Ph.D. '12; Univ. of Bonn, Am. School of Classical Studies, Rome, 1910-H. Instructor in Latin Western Coll., 1905-08; Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., since 1912. Author: Roman Sacrificial Altars, 1913. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Archaeological Inst, of America. Recreations: Walking, canoeing, swimming.

BOWERS, Lillian Estella Shepard (Mrs. Herbert O. Bowers), 54 North Elm St., Manchester, Conn.

Born Conn., grad Smith Coll., B.A. '92; m. May 12, 1897, Herbert O. Bowers; children: Sherwood Griswold, b. June 2, 1899; Raymond Ridg-

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