BOLE, Anna Sheldon Kitchel (Mrs. John Archibald Bole), 39 Elmhurst Av., Long Island, N.Y.
Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '95; student of German literature at Victoria Lyceum, Berlin; of education at Cornell Univ. (summer), 1900; m. July 6, 1905, John Archibald Bole; children: John Archibald Jr., b. 1906, James Renwick, b. 1907; Albert Cleaver, b. 1908. Ass't in German, Athol (Mass.) High School, 1895-97; Eastern Dist. High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1899-1905.
BOLENDER, Daisy Chadwick (Mrs. Fred. J. Bolender), 116 N. Lybrand St., Monroe, Wis.
Born Monroe, Wis., Mar. 26, 1871; dau. William W. and May (Howard) Chadwick; ed. public schools and Univ. of Wis., B.L. '93 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Monroe, Wis., Sept. 4, 1894, Fred. J. Bolender (Univ. of Wis., B.S. '90); children: Joseph Bridge, Howard Hosier, John William, Frederick J. Clubs: Woman's, Emerson.
BOLENIUS, Emma Miller, Lancaster, Pa.
Magazine writer and teacher; b. Lancaster, Pa.; daughter of Dr. Robert M. and Catherine (Carpenter) Bolenius; ed. Maryland Coll., Lutherville, Md.; Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, Pa., B.A. '98; Columbia Univ., M.A. Instructor in Maryland Coll., Miss Mittleberger's School, Cleveland; Pittsburgh Acad., Central High School, Newark, N.J.; prof. Roanoke Woman's Coll., Salem, Va. Contributor to educational magazines, religious juveniles, household magazines and Sunday supplements. Lutheran. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Tennis, basketball and dancing.
BOLLES, Jenette Hubbard, 1459 Ogden St., Denver, Colo.
Physician; b. Douglas Co., Kan., Sept. 12, 1862; dau. David and M. Jenette (Merrill) Hubbard; ed. public schools of Olathe, Kan.; Kan. State Univ., B.S. '85; Am. School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., D.O. '94; Denver Univ., A.M. '08; mem. Pi Beta Phi; m. 1887, N. A. Bolles; children: Helen Louise, b. 1898; Esther Hubbard, b. 1900. Was the first woman to take up the study of osteopathy. Has held various State and Nat. offices in the profession. Addressed the Nat. Ass'n at San Francisco, 1910. Declined appointment of Gov. Shafroth upon State Med. Board, as they would not recognize osteopathy. Active mem. and worker in Mothers' Congress (State chairman of Child Hygiene Com.); Colorado representative at the last Internat. Congress of Child Welfare held in Washington, D.C. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. D.A.R. , Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Nat., State and local Osteopathic Ass'n, Woman's Club of Denver, Clio Club of Denver, Kansas Club of Colorado.
BOLLEY, Frances Sheldon (Mrs. H. L. Bolley), 1002 Seventh St., North, Fargo, N.D.
Born Madison, Wis., Jan. 17, 1866; dau. Alfred H. and Lucy A. (Sherwood) Sheldon; grad. Oberlin Coll., A.B. '87; m. Janesville, Wis., 1896, Henry L. Bolley; adopted son: Donald S. Bolley. Mem. School Board, Library Board, Free Kindergarten Ass'n, Florence Crittenton Home Board, The Woman's Club of Fargo, N. Dak., Sociologic Section of Fine Arts Club. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Independent in politics.
BOLTON, Ethel Stanwood (Mrs. Charles Knowles Bolton), 48 Allerton St., Brookline, Mass. (Summer, Pound Hill Place, Shirley, Mass.)
Genealogist, writer; b. Boston March 2, 1873; dau. Edward and Eliza Maxwell (Topliff) Stanwood; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94 (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Boston, June 23, 1897, Charles Knowles Bolton; children: Stanwood Knowles, b. Nov. 10, 1898, and Geoffrey, b. Aug. 4, 1901. Treas. Girls' Sewing Guild of Trinity Chapel, Shirley, Mass; cor. sec. Mount Coffee Ass'n. Author: History of the Stanwood Family in America, 1898; Clement Topliff and His Descendants in Boston, 1906; (edited) Topliff's Travels, 1906; John Moore and His Descendants, 1904; Farm Life a Hundred Years Ago, 1909. Episcopalian. Mem. Mass. Soc. of Colonial Dames, New England Historic-Genealogical Soc., Daughters of the Revolution. Recreations: Swimming, gardening, driving. Mem. S.A. Club of Brookline, Altrurian Club of Shirley, Mass.
BOLTON, Sarah Knowles (Mrs. Charles E. Bolton), Cleveland, O.
Author; b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 15, 1841; dau. John Siegar and Elizabeth Mary (Miller) Knowles (direct descendant from Henry Knowles, one of the founders of Warwick, R.I., who came from England, 1635; ed. Hartford (Conn.) Sem., established by Catharine Beecher, sister of Henry Ward Beeeher; m. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 16, 1866, Charles Edward Bolton (Amherst, A.M. '65) (died Oct. 23, 1901); one son: Charles Knowles Bolton, b. Nov. 14, 1867 (Harvard, A.B. '90). Formerly ass't cor. sec. of Nat. W.C.T.U.; local sec. Y.W.C.A.; vice-pres. Am. Humane Education Soc; life mem. of various homes for dumb animals. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Author: Orlean Lamar and Other Poems, 1864; The Present Problem, 1872; How Success is Won, 1884; Poor Boys Who Became Famous, 1885; Girls Who Became Famous, 1886; Social Studies in England, 1886; Stories from Life (fiction), 1886; Famous American Authors, 1887; From Heart and Nature Poems (with her son, Charles K. Bolton), 1887; Some Successful Women, 1888; Famous Men of Science, 1889; Famous English Authors of the Nineteenth Century, 1890; Famous European Artists, 1890; Famous English Statesmen, 1891; Famous Types of Womenhood, 1892; Famous Voyagers and Explorers, 1893; Famous Leaders Among Men, 1894, Famous Leaders Among Women, 1895; The Inevitable and Other Poems, 1895; Famous Givers and Their Gifts, 1896; A Country Idyl and Other Stories (fiction), 1898; Every Day Living, 1900; Our Devoted Friend, the Dog, 1901; European Artists, 1902; Emerson, 1904; Raphael, 1904; Travels in Europe and America, by C. E. Bolton (half completed at death, 1901), 1903; The Harris-Ingram Experiment (fiction), 1905; Famous American Authors, 1905; Memorial Sketch of Charles E. Bolton, 1907. Congregationalist. Was for three years associate editor of the Congregationalist, Boston. Several of her poems have been set to music.
BOND, Carrie Jacobs (Mrs. Frank L. Bond), 820 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, Ill.
Composer, author, publisher; b. Janesville, Wis., Aug. 11, 1863; dau. Hannibal and Emma (Davis) Jacobs; m. Dr. Frank L. Bond (died); one son: Frederic Jacobs. Compositions: I Love You Truly; Just A' Wearing for You; A Perfect Day, and many others. Mem. Am. Penwomen. Women's Press Club of Chicago, and various clubs affiliated with Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; hon. mem. Amateur Musical Club, Kappa Beta Gamma, Marshalltown Woman's Club. Recreation: Motoring. Episcopalian. Not actively interested in suffrage question, but believes women should have the ballot if they desire it.
BOND, Elizabeth Powell (Mrs. Henry H. Bond), 6300 Greene St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
Educator; b. Clinton Hollow, Dutchess Co., N.Y., Jan. 25, 1841; dau. Townsend and Catharine (Macy) Powell; ed. public schools at Ghent, N.Y., Claverack (N.Y.) Institute; grad. N.Y. State Normal School, Albany, 1868 (honorary A.M. from Swarthmore Coll., honorary mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Swarthmore. Teacher in public and private schools; in charge of the physical culture of the students of Vassar Coll., college years 1865-70; dean of Swarthmore Coll., 1886-1906. Actively interested in the work of the Am. Anti-Slavery Soc; more or less associated with Woman Suffrage workers since 1851; for a time connected with the work of the Free Congregational Soc. of Florence, Mass. Author: Words by the Way (series 1); Words by the Way (series 2). (These are papers given to the students of Swarthmore Coll.) Mem. Soc. of Friends. Favors woman suffrage.
BOND, Isabella Bacon (Mrs. Charles H. Bond), 128 Commonwealth Av., Boston; summer, Peace Haven, Swampscott, Mass.
Born Boston, Mass.; dau. George Allen and