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peace. Turn then, O Lord, Thy loving eyes upon us,

who forgetful as it were of ourselves pray now above all things for him. Unite our prayers with his, and receive them into the bosom of Thy infinite mercy, as a most sweet perfume of that living and efficacious charity, in which the children of the Church are united to their Father. All that he asks of Thee to-day we too ask for with him. Whether he sorrows or rejoices, or when he hopes or offers the Victim of love for his people, we would be united with him. We desire that the utterance of our souls should be one with his. Mercifully grant, O Lord, that no one of us be far from his mind and heart during the hour of his prayer, and when he offers to Thee the sacrifice of Thy blessed Son. And in the moment that he, our most revered Pontiff, holding in his hands the very body of Jesus Christ, shall say to the people over the chalice of benediction the words. The peace of the Lord be ever with you, do Thou, O Lord, cause Thy most sweet peace to descend with a new and manifest power into our hearts, and upon all the nations of mankind. Amen.

Indulgence of 200 days, once a day. — Leo XIII, May 8, 1896.

Act of Resignation to the Will of God

May the most just, most high, and most adorable will of God be in all things done, praised, and magnified forever.

Indulgence of 100 days, once a day. Plenary indulgence, once a year, to all who say it daily. Plenary indulgence (at the point of death), to those who, during life, shall have frequently recited this ejaculation, provided that, worthily disposed, they accept

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