may see Thy eucharistic kingdom propagated all over the world. Who livest and
reignest world without end. Amen.
Indulgenced Prayers
1. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us!
Indulgence of 300 days to those who recite this invocation before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. — Pius X, Dec. 30, 1905.
2. O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, who art the glory of Christians, the joy of the universal Church, and the hope of the world, pray for us! Stir up in all the faithful devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist, that they may render themselves worthy to communicate every day.
Indulgence of 300 days each time.— Pius X, Dec. 9, 1906.
3. Let us with Mary Immaculate adore, thank, supplicate, and console the most sacred and beloved eucharistic Heart of Jesus!
Indulgence of 200 days for each recital—Pius X, Dec. 19, 1904.