made like unto Him, Who has united our nature to Thine
GRANT, we beseech Thee, O Lord our God, that we who, in joy of heart, keep with threefold celebration of the holy mysteries the feast of the nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, may, by worthiness of life, deserve to rejoice with Him for evermore.
BATHED in the new light brought upon earth by Thine incarnate Word, we beseech Thee, O Almighty God, to vouchsafe that the holy faith which ever illumines our minds may in all our actions shine forth to Thy glory before the world.
IN virtue of the birth upon earth of Thine only-begotten Son, vouchsafe, O Lord, to hallow our offerings, and to cleanse us from all stain of sin.
GRANT, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that even as the Saviour of the world, born to us this day, bestowed upon us by adoption the sonship of God; so to Him we may look for the grace of a happy eternity.
Novena for Christmas
Three hundred days, each day. Plenary, on Christmas Day, or during the novena or octave, on the usual conditions: confession, communion, and prayer, according to the intentions of the Pope.
N.B. — Many Prayers, Chaplets, and Devotions contained in this hook in honor of Our Divine Lord, the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Name, and the Sacred Heart are quite suitable for a Christmas novena.
Prayer for Christmas
MOST dear Lord Jesus Christ Who, being made an infant for us, wast willing to be born in a cave, to free us from the darkness of sin, to draw us to Thyself,