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Prayer to Blessed Madeleine Sophie Barat

(Foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)

BLESSED Madeleine Sophie, wonderfully chosen by God to make the divine Heart of Jesus known and loved, and ever faithful to that apostolate, accept this day our confidence and prayers in proof of our allegiance. Look upon us kindly and come to our assistance by thy intercession before the throne of the Most High. Guide us in the path of meekness and humility: set our hearts on fire with that zeal with which thine own was devoured: protect us, that we may deserve to see our names written in that most sacred Heart, and to make in it alone our home for time and for eternity. Amen.


From the Roman Missal

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst wonderfully grace Blessed Madeleine Sophie with humility and love after the model of Thy sacred Heart, and didst will that a new company of virgins should flower forth through her: make us cling ever to Thy most sacred Heart, and by our imitation of the same find our joy in becoming Thy companions: Who livest and reignest one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Petitions of St. Augustine

Lord Jesus, let me know myself, let me know Thee,

And desire nothing else but Thee.

Let me hate myself and love Thee,

And do all things for the sake of Thee.

Let me humble myself and exalt Thee,

And think of nothing else but Thee.

Let me die to myself and live in Thee,

And take whatever happens as coming from Thee.

Let me forsake myself and walk after Thee,

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