than the yearning to be remembered, expressed at many
times and in many ways, but especially in the Eucharistic Do this in commemoration of Me, which becomes at the altar even more simple and affecting. In Mei memoriam facietis — "In memory of Me." When such infinite and utterly incomprehensible love as this has Omnipotence for the instrument of its behests, how can any poor little creature of God — whose sole dignity is that he has a heart to love Him — how can he presume for one moment to discuss the limits of the possibilities of the divine condescension?
— Father Russell, S.J.
Forget Me Not
FORGET Me not ! upon the silent Altar!
They pass Me by and leave Me all alone;
They've love enough for all, for every other,
For Me, their God — their hearts are cold as stone.
Forget Me not ! for oh! I'm ever waiting
For friends who will My bitter wrongs atone:
Forget Me not ! for I am ever craving
Devoted hearts who'll make My woes their own.
Forget Me not when desolation tempts thee
To plunge into the world's tempestuous sea;
Remember how the sin-laden and weary
My heart invited, saying: "Come to Me."
Forget not, lest one day I thus reproach thee:
"When I came In thou gavest Me no kiss,"
And oh ! no thought in bitterness can equal
The self-reproachful agony of this.
Forget not in the weariness of sorrow,
There is a Home for Thee — thy Saviour's breast;
Be comforted — the day is ever nearing
When there thou'lt find thy long — thy endless rest.
— "Voice of the Sacred Heart."