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When the moment comes to approach the railing,

excite in your heart a new act of contrition while the Confiteor is recited and the priest pronounces the absolution, in order to merit more and more the remission of your sins, and obtain a perfect purity to receive the spotless Lamb.

At the Ecce Agnus Dei and Domine non sum dignus, pour forth your heart in sentiments of humility, love, joy, adoration, and self-immolation. Having received the sacred Host, that pledge of your salvation, retire with respectful modesty, and remain some time in simple recollection, in silent contemplation. Sit like Magdalen in humble, adoring love at the feet of Jesus, gaze upon Him like Zaccheus, love Him in mute worship like Mary, His blessed Mother. Consecrate your heart to Jesus and make good resolutions. Then you may continue your devotions with the help of your prayer book.

After Holy Communion


Jesus, my Lord and my God, I bless Thee because Thou hast come to visit me. I bow down before Thee, now really present within me, now all mine, truly mine — with Thy body and blood, soul and divinity. Thou art the same Jesus Who was born in Bethlehem and dwelt in Nazareth; Who suffered and died for my salvation; Who ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father. I believe in Thee, and with

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