special intention, e.g., the conversion of a
friend, the welfare of your family, the relief of the souls in purgatory. Remember also the needs of the Holy Father and of the Church. Resolve to struggle earnestly against your ruling passion and pray that the spirit of Christ may dominate all your actions.
Short Acts and Prayers for Holy Communion
Before Holy Communion
Jesus, my Lord, I believe that Thou art really and substantially present in the sacred Host. Relying on Thy infallible word, I believe most firmly that under the appearance of bread I shall receive in holy communion Thy sacred body and Thy precious blood. Jesus, my God, I adore Thee, here present in the sacrament of Thy love.
MY Jesus, I hope in Thee because Thou art infinitely good, almighty, and faithful to Thy promises. Through Thy mercy, through Thy Passion and death, I hope to