days of repentance and desolation; and we still find
in them the expression of our deepest anguish, and the consolation of our sorrows. The priest recites them daily; thousands of monasteries have been founded in order that these psalms might be chanted at every hour, and that this voice of .supplication might never be silent. The Gospel alone is superior to the hymns of David, and this only because it is their fulfilment, because all the yearnings, all the ardors, all the holy impatience of the prophet find their accomplishment in the Redeemer issued of his race. — OZANAM.
An excellent daily spiritual reading would be a combination of extracts from Holy Scripture, The Imitation of Christ," by Thomas a Kempis, and " The Lives of the Saints " (or St. Francis de Sales' "Devout Life A very serviceable book for this purpose is Le Masson's "Spiritual Reading for Every Day," edited by Kenelm Digby Best of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri.
Devotions for Holy Communion
The Venerable Pere Eymard on Holy Communion
Having received Jesus into your heart at holy communion, spend some time in simple recollection, without vocal prayers. Adore Him in silence; sit like Magdalen in humble, adoring love at His feet; gaze upon Him like Zaccheus, love Him in mute worship, like ]Mary, His Mother.
Call Him your King, the Spouse of your soul. Say to Him: "Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth." Offer yourself to Him as His servant, ready to execute His will. Bind your heart to His footstool, that it may wander no more, or rather put it under His feet, that He may crush out its self-love and pride.