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( 11 )

Drive hence the Rude and Barb'rous Dissonance
Of Savage Thracians, and Croatian Boors;
The loud Centaurean Broiles with Lapithæ
Sound harsh, and grating to Lenæan God:
Chafe brutal Feuds of Belgian skippers hence,
(Amid their Cups, whole Innate Tempers shown)
In clumsy Fist wielding Scymetrian Knife,
Who flash each others Eyes, and Blubber'd Face,
Prophaning Bacchanalian solemn Rites:
Musicks Harmonious Numbers better suit
His Festivals, from Instrument or Voice,
Or Gasperini's Hand the trembling string
Should touch, or from the Tuscan Dames,
Or warbling Tofts more soft Melodious Tongue
Sweet Symponies should flow, the Delian God
For Airy Bacchus is Associate meet.

The Stairs Ascent now gain'd, our Guide unbars
The Door of Spatious Room, and creaking Chairs
(To ear offensive) round the Table sets,
We sit, when thus his Florid Speech begins:
Name, Sirs, the WINE that most invites your Tast,
Champaign or Burgundy, or Florence pure.
Or Hoc Antique, or Lisbon New or Old,
Bourdeaux, or neat French White, or Alicant:


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