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Then Paul, says she, let Peter come,
If he be lying let him rise,
To him I will confess my sin,
And let him quickly bring the keys,
Too long I stand, he'll let me in,
For why I cannot longer tarry,
Then shall ye all be quit of din,
For I must speak with good saint Mary:
The good apostle discontent,
Right suddenly he turned back,
For he did very much repent,
To hear the carling proudly crack:
Paul says, good brother, now arise,
And make an end of all this din:
And if so be you have the keys,
Open and let the carling in.
Th' apostle Peter rose at last,
And to the gate with speed he hies,
Carling, quoth he, knock not so fast,
You cumber Mary with your cries.
Peter, she said, let Christ arise,
And grant me mercy in my need;
For why I ne'er deny'd him thrice,
As thou thyself hast done indeed.
Thou carling bold, what's that to thee
I got remission for my sin;
It cost many sad tears to me,
Before I entered here within.
It will not be thy meikle din
Will cause heaven's gates opened be
Thou must be purified of sin
And of all sins must be made free.