(MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT) Each, in decorated cloth binding, $1.50 The Garden of a Commuter's Wife illustrates " Reading it is like having the entry into a home of the class that is the proud- est product of our land, a home where love of books and love of nature go hand in hand with hearty, simple love of ' folks.' ... It is a charming book." The Interior. People of the Whirlpool Illustrated "The whole book is delicious, with its wise and kindly humor, its just perspec- tive of the true values of things, its clever pen pictures of people and customs, and its healthy optimism for the great world in general." Philadelphia Even- ing Telegraph. The Woman Errant " The book is worth reading. It will cause discussion. It is an interesting fictional presentation of an important modern question, treated with fascinating feminine adroitness." Miss JEANNETTE GILDER in the Chicago Tribune. At the Sign of the Fox M Her little pictures of country life are fragrant with a genuine love of nature, and there is fun as genuine in her notes on rural character." New York Tribune. The Garden, You and I "This volume is simply the best she has yet put forth, and quite too deliciously torturing to the reviewer, whose only garden is in Spain. . . . The delightful humor which pervaded the earlier books, and without which Barbara would not be Barbara, has lost nothing of its poignancy." Congregationalist. The Open Window. Tales of the Months. " A little vacation from the sophistication of the commonplace.*" Argonaut, Poppea of the Post-Office " A rainbow romance, . . . tender yet bracing, cheerily stimulating ... its genial entirety refreshes like a cooling shower." Chicago Record- Her aid. Princess Flower Hat just Ready A Comedy from the Perplexity Book of Barbara the Commuter's Wife. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Publishers 64-68 Fifth Avenue New York