He slipped his arm through the basket handle and made for his coat. The children scrambled off it apologetically; they were not quite certain where they stood in the present crisis. But he smiled at them reassuringly.
"We'll have to meet again," he called, already beyond them, "and have some more of those little cakes! Good-by till next time!"
"Good-by! Good-by!" they called, and Miss Honey, eyeing the pink parasol longingly, ventured, "Good-by, Miss Tina!"
The lady did not answer, but walked slowly after the young man, shaking out her billowy skirts. Soon he was behind the big boulder; soon she had followed him.
"Yady go!" the General announced.
"They had a quarrel, didn't they?" Miss Honey queried. "But they made up, so it was all right."
Caroline shook her head wisely.
"We—ell," she mused, "they made it up, but I don't believe he changed his mind, just the same."
Something puffed loudly in the road, whirred down to a steady growl, and grew fainter and fainter.