who arrived panting, with the General firmly secured by the band of his overalls. An oozy green paste dripped from his hand; one of the pink wings intermittently concealed his injured expression.
"That's all right," she said, "don't bother about the cake, little girl, the baby can have it."
Miss Honey sniffed.
"I guess you don't know much about babies if you think they can eat cake like that," she answered informingly.
"Hush, now, General, don't begin to hold your breath? Do you want a nice graham cracker! It's so nice!"
"So nice!" Caroline repeated mechanically, with a business-like smile at the General, helpfully champing her teeth.
The General wavered. He allowed one sticky paw to be cleaned with a handful of grass, but his expression was most undecided, and he was evidently in a position to hold his breath immediately if necessary.
Miss Honey nodded to Caroline. "You've got 'em, haven't you?" she asked.