he began, "I mean—I—oh, the devil! You know what I've got to do, of course?"
The man looked appealingly at him. "You've got it all back," he said quickly, "and you know Jim—"
"Yes, plague take it—I know Jim," the boy muttered, "we all know Jim."
"Known well, isn't he?" the man inquired eagerly, "there's no cleverer scholar there, much cleverer, I mean, is there?"
Lindsay shook his head. "Not that amounts to anything," he said shortly.
"I'll bet there's no better fellow there than Jim—none of the big bugs?"
"There is no better fellow anywhere," said Lindsay.
Caroline tapped fretfully on the door. "Aren't we ever going, Lin?" she begged; "it's all put back."
"Yes, yes, in a minute!" he answered, and turned to the man. "I'm damned sorry to have to do it," he began, "it's a horrible thing to do, but I can't see that there are any two ways about it. I don't want to hear you say any more. If