there were red flags, and horses and carriages gathered around the house, and people brought luncheon; they had often driven to auctions out in the country.
The door opened.
"Why it's only a child!" said the woman, thin and fatigued, with dark rings under her not ungentle eyes. "What do you want here?"
"I'm looking for Hunt," Caroline answered, "doesn't he live here?"
"Heavens, no!" the woman said, "that old card's been there long before we moved in, I guess. They were old renters, most likely. What's the party to you, anyway? Is he your—"
She paused, studying Caroline's simple but unmistakeable clothes and manner.
"He drives the automobile," Caroline explained, "I thought he came this way."
"Come in, won't you?" said the woman, "there's no good getting any more lost than you are, I guess. There's not much to sit on, 'specially if you're used to automobiles, but we can find you something, I hope. I try to keep it better looking than this gen'ally, but this is