Messrs. Methuen's List
General Literature
'"Old Country Life," as healthy wholesome reading, full of breezy life and movement, full of quaint stories vigorously told, will not be excelled by any book to be published throughout the year. Sound, hearty, and English to the core.'—World.
'A collection of exciting and entertaining chapters. The whole volume is delightful reading.'—Times.
'Mr. Baring Gould has a keen eye for colour and effect, and the subjects he has chosen give ample scope to his descriptive and analytic faculties. A perfectly fascinating book.'—Scottish Leader.
'A rich collection of humour, pathos, grace, and poetic fancy.'—Saturday Review.
'We have read Mr. Baring-Gould's book from beginning to end. It is full of quaint and various information, and there is not a dull page in it.'—Notes and Queries.
This book describes the great barren tableland that extends to the south of Limousin, a country of dolomite cliffs, and cañons, and subterranean rivers. The region is full of prehistoric and historic interest, relics of cave-dwellers, of mediæval robbers, and of the English domination and the Hundred Years' War.
'His two richly-illustrated volumes are full of matter of interest to the geologist, the archæologist, and the student of history and manners.'—Scotsman.