HgmSUCKSD- THEN A W OOT BILL A (POOD JOB/ I TrainidThese Men Before I completed jour leef- I obtained my Radio Broad - i-!,;i i" »?-- ■-■; h ■:.-"■:- : ft license and im- ■:.■■■ K-here I am now Chief Operator. HOI. LIS P. HAYSS, 327 Madi- son St., Lapeer, Michigan. Service Manager for Foer Storo I was working In a garage When I enrolled with N. R. I. I am now Badin Service Manager for the M Furniture Co. for their four stows. JAMBS B. RYAN, 119 Pebble Court. Pall Eiicr, Mi;i ^_ ....-„ JiO a Week Extra id Spare. Time doing spare time Radio ^Jlam averaging around year, Stuwe extra dollars V- the difference- . getting by ?i!.J living comfortably. JOHN ■'>. B7 New Cranberry, riailetun. Perms. In U. S. Signal Corns I am In the D. a. Aimy. Sig- nal Corps, as Chief Radio Clerk. My duties slso include maiotc- receiverr. T-hen ti.'i> G:iie( Radi'i On '■:■;> l.o r is absent. B. V,". AN- DERSON, Radio Station WTI, Yancouver Barracks. Washington. I WILL TRAIN YOU AT HOME in i/our spane time for a p^N GOOD JOB IN RADIO Here to a quick way to more pay. Radio offer* the chance to make $5, (10 a weal; ex- tra in spare time, a few month!" from now. There is an Increasing demand for hill time Radio Technicians and Radio Operators, too. Many make $30. £40. 150 a week. On top of record business, the Radio Industry is getting millions and millions of dollars in Defense. Orders. Clip the coupon below and mail it. Find out how I train you. for these oppor- tunities. Real Opportunities for Beginners to Learn then Earn Up to $50 a Ween Over SfiO broKdcastine stations in the TJ. K. etnpluy thousands of Radio Technicians with average pay among tbo country"* best paid industries. Repairing, servicing, selling tiorne and auto Radio receivera (thero are over 50.000,000 in use) gives good jobs to thou- sands. Many oilier RadioTechnicdausta&eftd- vantage of the opportunities to have their own pfrrlce or retail Radio businesses. Think of the many good pay jobs in connection witii Aviation, Commercial, Pol ice Radio and Public A-Idrpss Systems. N. R. I. gives you the re- oulrcd knowledge oft- Radio fur those ions. N. R. I. trains you to be ready when Televi- sion opens new jobs. Yes. Radio Technicians make good money because they use their heada ari well as thoir hands. They must be trained. Many are getting special ratings in the Army and Nary; extra rank and pay. J. E. SMITH. Pres. National Radio tost. Established 25 Year* Extra Pay in ^> ajj Army, Navy, Too Every man likely to gl service, every soldier, sailor, mail thf i'mw Now ! 1 helps men &<rt ostra rank, more interesting duty at pay up tn 6 times privatt'j or seaman's base pay, Also prepares for aood Radio Jobs aft« service ends. IT'S SMART TO TRAIN FOR RADIO SOY!. I'll Shew You Haw to Make !5. $10 a Week Extra In Spare Time While Learning Nearly every neighbor- hood offers opportuni- ties for a good part- time Radio Technician to make extra money < fixing Radio sets, I glvej you special training to' shew you how to start casisins tn on these op- ni?rtiuiirlas early. You get Radio parts and in- structioBS for fauUiIins te?t equipment, for conducting esperiTiSJils trial ..tie you valuable* practical esp^rjfsvr;. You alJ-u net a niodem Professional Radio .Servicing Instrument, ify fifty-fifty method— half working with Radio parts, half studying my lesson texts — makes learning Radio at home interesting, fasci- nating, practical. Find Out How I Train You for Good Pay in Radio Mail tlia coupon below. I'll send my fii-page book FREE. It tells ahout my Course: the typM of jobs in the different branches of Radio: shows letters from more than 100 of the men I trained so you can sen what they are doing, carmn^. MAIL Tra COCFON in an envelope or paste on a penny po&tal. J. E. SMITH. President Dept I KM, National Radio liwtihrtB Washington, D, C. SfO gg BOOK HIS SHOWN HUNDREDS '■« v~7tF, HiKC NOW TOMJKt GOOD MOHtr gS-M -■■>'; J. E. SMITH. President, Dept. 1KH National Radio Institute. WasJiinoton. D. C. Mall me FKBK, without obligation, vourfi4-page boo*, Howarda in Radio." (No salesman will call. Write plainly. Please mention Newsstand Fiction Unit when answering advertisements