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You Need JUST NEW FLUID W 5UTS DRIVE FULLY »J- v '/> EXPLAINED! - L ff to ^QW See It I Every operator and mechanic needs ATTDELs NEW AUTO GUIDE. This book saves tima, money and worry. Higbly endorsed. It presents the whole subject ot auto me* chanics: 1 — Basic principles, 2 — Construction. 3— -Operation, ■* — ' Berrtce. 5 — Repair. Easily understood. Over 1500 pageslo40 Illus- trations showing Inside views of modern cars, trucfts and bijtvs with instructions tor ait service jo'oa. Biesel Engines mily treated, SJM fully illustrated. To Gat This Assistance tor YourseFi Simply Mm FIH hi and Mail Coupon Today. fr COMPLETE _© _»"AVJ2i?iy-51i 5- SSISL^T THEO. AUDEL & CO., 4d WEST 23rd STREET. NEW YORK PtaKKiaaaSni l«Awn> animation. If 1 decide to keen it, 1 will send y on $1 within 7 days; Eh eniemitS] tf nnch- Ij uotii purchase pries el £4 is paid. Otherwise. I will return It to you promptlr. Inference m , NSG

RUPTURED? Get Relief This Proven Way

Why try to worry along with trusses that gouge your flesh—press heavily on hips and spine—enlarge opening—fail to hold rupture? You need the Cluthe. No leg-straps or cutting belts. Automatic adjustable pad holds at real opening—follows every body movement with instant increased support in case of strain. Cannot slip whether at work or play. Light. Waterproof. Can he worn in bath. Send for amazing FREE book, "Advice To Ruptured" and details of liberal truthful 60-day trial offer. Also endorsements from grateful users in your neighborhood. Write:

CLUTHE SONS, Dept. 30, Bloomfield, New Jersey.

IT'S EASY TO DRAW ME! Anyone can draw pretty faces and figures perfectly the help of New Anatomy-Nude Guide! 30 gorgeous models pose nude. Easy instructions enable you to draw as good as the originals. No talent necessary. Ideal opportunity for beginners to earn big money. Free individual criticism. Complete course $1. 5-Day Money-Back Guarantee. WE SEND C.O.D. Mail 18 penny Stamps and pay postman $1 or enclose $1 now and save 18c postage. No C.O.D. outside U.S.A. (Send m.o. $1.25.) RAY ROGERS. 607-16 Arbuckle Bldg., B'klyn. N. Y.

TaWng0rdersForTheN?MBODUne| the year rojtre. i firm t tii> -i ctmi- fellinGT r:t-c£«siLic--: i im. u:mei»car, Hosie-y, Faja- SUuieoais, Sweaters. icuaHicr Japfe. JIPMENT Ch!O330, 111. |}

Pendulum Pencil Pushers

I've been, an acclaimed reader of WEIRD TALES for at least ten years. Have found the majority of your stories magnetically entertaining.

Am truly enthusiastic about your WEIRD TALES CLUB. That, too, should prove a pleasing pastime. Please enroll me as a dependable member. Here's to long and greater success to WEIRD TALES, and its writing staff.

Am twenty-eight years old, and desire those club member's between twenty-one and thirty for my correspondence scrimmages. Am exceptionally interested in pendulum pencil pushers who enjoy the hobby of scrolling sense seasoned with non-sense, plus a little weirdness tossed in for good measure. So, my writing, welcome, weird welders.

Write! Don't stall-o-graph!

Harold W. Tiffany.

349 E. Rosedale Avenue,
Milwaukee, Wis.

Snakes and W.T. His Hobby

For the past several years snakes have been my hobby. Besides reading everything I could about them and listening to others talk of them and the superstitions that have grown about them, I have personally chased snakes all over the canyon, creek, lakes and prairies about Lubbock. Why I should become so deeply interested in them I don't know. Perhaps it is because the snake is supposed to have started the fall of man from Paradise. Or perhaps it is because of the many superstitions and beliefs about the powers credited to them, sometimes bordering on the supernatural, that has drawn me to them. Then perhaps it was simply because I usually like something which humanity in general cannot, or does not, tolerate. Whatever the reason, snakes and good fantastic literature like WEIRD TALES are my two great loves. Give me those and I can live in peace.

During these years of reading about snakes, talking about snakes, and sometimes literally living with them, I've collected some good stories about their powers, both real and imagined. Because I always like to talk or discuss things that happen but cannot always be explained, I should like to join your new dub and get the membership card. I shall be very glad to hear from any member who is interested in snakes or has a snake story to tell.

I'm a junior in college, with a major in journalism and a yen for travel. And if there are any of you buzzards here in Lubbock who'd like to organize a WEIRD TALES CLUB, drop me a card.

Hoping for more stories by Quinn, illustrations by Ferman and Bok,

Clifton Morris.

Box 162, Tech Branch,
Lubbock, Texas

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