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It has grown up. I like it a lot. Keep up the good work.

I hope all fellow-members will write to me. But I prefer the male members to write. I'm afraid of ladies! I'll answer all sorts of questions about Irish folk-lore as long as my memory holds out.

Mark Cathal.

1930 E. 79th Street,
Cleveland, Ohio.

Are There Such Things?

I am sixteen years old and enjoy your magazine immensely. I wish it came out oftener. I get tired of the ordinary run of stories and read WEIRD TALES as a refreshing contrast. It gives me something to think about. Could such things happen?

Although I have found no one else in St. Joseph who reads WEIRD TALES, yet I am going to get some of my friends to read it as a relief from stuffy classics.

Shirley Grable.

617 Pine Street,
St. Joseph, Michigan.

She's a Delayed Action Bomb

Ever since I first learned to read, about fifteen years ago, my favorite reading matter (between chapters of Dracula) has been WEIRD TALES. For most of that time, too, I've been wishing for something like this WT Club. I'm like a delayed action bomb, though—after the first excitement is all over, I burst upon the scene. Here I am, then, to join this association of readers; and would you please send me one of Mr. Bok's charming membership cards?

I'd like other members to write to me, Like my father, who has written many stories for WT and various detective magazines, I am greatly interested in the occult and all things weird. My conversation also runs to opera, musicians, literature, and the horrors of life in a writer's family.

Rosalind Suter.

176 Benita Avenue,
Voungstown, Ohio.

He's for the Club One Hundred Percent

Am one of that legion who is attracted by the strange and unusual, be it fact or fiction. I travel a good deal in my work and at present have no permanent address. Am watching your publication for information on the forming of WT Clubs in any of the towns or cities which I visit as it would be a pleasure to meet those whose interests are mine.

Am for the WTC 100 percent and believe it will be a great success. My age is twenty-one.

Randall Hockett.

Gold Beach, Oregon.

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