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Illustration of an automatic pistol with the price $11.95.

Last Call—Only a Few Left
German Automatics
25 Cal. Only
Finest blued steel, accurate, hard shooting safety: brand new: made with usual German thoroughness and finely finished—equal to American.
ZEHNA: 7-shot, vest-pocket size: wt. 13 oz. 4½" overall (Regular $18.) Special Price $11.95.
SCHMEISSER (Haenel—German) Same as above, but finer quality (Regular $20.) Special Price $12.95.
Cartridges 75c per box 25; Holsters 75c; Shoulder $1.75: Bargain Catalog: Badges, Belts, Police Goods, Binoculars, Telescopes, Firearms, Air Guns, etc. Stamp—please
LEE SALES Co., (Dept. FN8), 35 West 32nd Street, New York City

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Get Relief This Proven Way

Why try to worry along with trusses that gouge your flesh—press heavily on hips and spine—enlarge opening—fail to hold rupture? You need the Cluthe. No leg-straps or cuttng belts. Automatic adjustable pad holds at real opening—follows every body movement with instant increased support in case of strain. Cannot slip whether at work or play. Light. Waterproof. Can he worn in bath. Send for amazing FREE book. "Advice To Ruptured" and details of liberal truthful 60-day trial offer. Also emdorsements from grateful users in your neighborhood. Write:
CLUTHE SONS, Dept. 39, Bloomfield, New Jersey.

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STOP the ITCH of Insect Bites—Heat Rash

For quick relief from itching of insect bites, heat rash, athlete's foot, hives, eczema and other externally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid, D. D. D. Prescription. Greaselss, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops the most intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription

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Nowell Pharmal Company advertisement: Do You Want to Stop Tobacco?

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Books by Lovecraft, Merrill, Quinn, etc. rental by mail. 9c a day plus postage. Write for free list. WEREWOLF LENDING LIBRARY, 227-W. 8a. Atlantic Avenue. Pittaburgh, Pa.


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By A. G. Birch

|- | Here is a stupendous weird scientific novel of Oriental intrigue... A super sinister blueprint to gain control of the world!

And this smashing full length novel is not all; In addition there are three shorter stories, all by well known science fantasy authors.

Write now—Enclosing Fifty Cents—To: |- | style="text-align:center;" | WEIRD TALES Book Dept.,
9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y., U. S. A. |- | For Your Cloth Bound Copy Of The Moon Terror |}

Announcement by Los Angeles Fantasy Society

As secretary of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society I am writing this letter to announce that the L. A. S. F. S. wishes to affiliate with the WEIRD TALES CLUB and would appreciate your acknowledgment.

Due to our notice several issues ago in your magazine we have been in receipt of three inquiries and six visitors. In view of this it was deemed advisable to affiliate with the WEIRD TALES CLUB.

Our Society, known to followers of this department as "The Insiders," has among its prominent members Forrest J. Ackerman, Walter J. Daugherty, Arthur Joquel, Morojo, and Paul Freehafer, who are already members of your club.

We would like to remind all local fans that they are welcome to attend each and every meeting. The meetings are held every Thursday evening from 7 o'clock on at Clifton's Cafeteria. 648 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal.

Edwin N. Chamberlain.

Secretary, L. A. S. F. S.

1151 W. 107th Street,
Los Angeles, California.

World Science Fiction Convention

And as we go to press, word comes in from the Colorado Fantasy Society that the World's Science Fiction Convention—sponsored by them—is being held in Denver, Colorado, on July 4th, 5th and 6th. We would like to extend, on behalf of all the members of the WEIRD TALES CLUB, our best wishes for the convention's success.

Free Horoscopes

I am a non-professional student of astrology. If any of your readers are interested in this subject I should be glad to cast and delineate the horoscopes of the first five people who write to me. In return, I want only that the people whose horoscopes are cast write and give me their opinion of my interpretation. The necessary data are the day and hour of birth and the birthplace.

George Patrick.

61 Terrace Place.
Schenectady, New York.

Hogs—and Weird Books

Please enroll me on the club roster. I am twenty-one years of age, live on a farm and raise hogs—but I am no "hick." My pet hobby is book-collecting, especially books of weird and occult character and am sincerely interested in the beliefs and opinions of other addicts.

Bob Carson,

Route 1, Rich Hill, Missouri.

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