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Get this help in guarding against skin-blotching intestinal poisons Are ugly skin eruptions spoiling your good times . . . making others shun you? Find out what the trouble may be — and take steps to help it. Between the ages of 13 and 25, or even longer, Important gland changes often upset the system. The skm often becomes over-sensitive. Waste poisons from the intestinal tract may get into the blood etream . ... and be carried to the skin to cause dis- figuring pimples. Many have been helped by the regular use of Fleischmacn's Yeast. Millions of tiny, live plants in each cake of this fresh food act to help keep intestinal waste poisons from the blood . . . and so help your broken-out skin. Start eating Fleischmann's Yeast now — one cake hour before meals. Buy some todayl WIFE FINDS RELIEF from ASTHMA ATTACKS AFTER 22 YEARS SUFFERING! (Case No. 54,362) "After suffering from asthma paroxysms for 22 years and then finding relief, I am glad to add my testimonial. My attacks were so eevere, I could get no sleep except by sitting in a chair or being propped up in bed, and I had to take injections to get rest. My husband insisted I try your medicine. Then my awful cough got better and my breathing improved. I am out in all kinds of weather and have had no attacks." SIGNED — Mrs. John Scudera. Cleveland, Ohio. (Sept. 1934). LATER — (Jan. 1937) — "I have no signs of Asthma paroxysms at present." FREE BOOK REVEALS FACTS IteSASStSSZ ing, wheezing, a one-cent postcard may open wide the door to real relief. Thousands of other sufferers report remarkable results with NacorMethod — fully explained in amazing new FREE BOOK. Rush name and address for your copy today. NACOR. 3910-G. STATE LIFE BLOC. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Easy Terms Only 10c a Day fof* over K Mfg.'s Or lit Price on aQ ctaxid&rd up-to-date office model*. SENS NO MONEY Broesfcional a-vinc on nil Ute models com- _ Setely refini-ihfid like new. FULLY GUAR^* NTEED. Bw Free Catslor shows all roalcee in foil colors. Bend postrcaxd for lowest prices. SPECIAL PORTABLE BARGAINS — Brand New FEATHERWEIGHT — Latest Model Portable — vro-to-dflt* oireanillne features — now offered at amazing; low price- Fully Guaran- teed — 10 day trisl — only lOe a, day. Full details seat ireal Free course In typing included. ,„ ™ e . International Typewriter Exch., B^mSScww MAKE MORE MONEY TakingOrtSersForTfoe NIMRCD Line Earn more every day in the year represent- ing: old established firm with a complete line v! (ast selling- necessities: Shirts, Ties. Un- derwear. Hosiery, Dresses, Pajamas, Rain- coats, Sweaters, Pant*, Breeches, Belts, Shoes, Coveralls. Shop Coats, Uniforms. Leather Jack- ets, etc. Every item guaranteed. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for FREE SALES EQUIPMENT. NIMROD COMPANY 4322-M Lincoln Ave., Chicago, III. Man Can Talk With God Says Noted Psychologist "A new and revolutionary religious teaching based entirely on the misunderstood sayings of the Galilean Carpenter, and designed to show how we may find, understand and use the same identical power which Jesus used in performing His so-called Miracles," is attracting world- wide attention to its founder, Dr. Frank B. Robinson, noted Psychologist, author and lec- turer. "Psychiana," this new psychological religion, believes and teaches that it is today possible for every normal human being, understanding spiritual law as Christ understood it, "to du- plicate every work that the Carpenter of Galilee ever did" — it believes and teaches that when He said, "the things that I do shall ye do also." He meant what He said and meant it literally to all mankind, through all the ages. Dr. Robinson has prepared a 6,000 word treatise on "Psychiana," in which he tells about his long search for the Truth, how he finally came to the full realization of an Unseen Power or force "so dynamic in itself that all other powers and forces fade into insignificance be- side it" — how he learned to commune directly with the Living God, using this mighty, never- failing power to demonstrate health, happiness and financial success and how any normal being may find and use it as Jesus did. He is now offering this treatise free to every reader of this magazine who writes him. If you want to read this "highly interesting, revolutionary and fascinating story of the dis- covery of a great Truth," just send your name and address to Dr. Frank B. Robinson, 418 — 11th Street, Moscow, Idaho. It will be sent free and postpaid without cost or obligation. Write the Doctor today. — Copyright, 1935, Dr. Frank B. Robinson. 'QUICK ACTION" (1938) PERFECTED AUTOMATIC GAS LIGHTER 430 & Profit! We pay P. P. Charges $1.00 a Dozen. Bush 10c for Sample and Selling Plan 12 Dozen $8.00 woob "haSidleS "T^^i/aiT 531 *^ 5 **- - Net Profit Packed on Individual Cards.^ "<ts Write today. New Method Mfg. Co., Desk WTG-71, Bradford, Pa. $28 WANTED, OI/D RUBBER, RAZOR BLADES, TIN- foil. Antiques, Books, Stamps, Coins, etc. Highest prices paid. Send dime today for details. ACE MARKETING COMPANY, St. Andrews, Florida. Books by Lovecraft, Merritt, Quinn, etc., rented by mail 3c a day plus postage. Write for free Hst. WEREWOLF LENDING

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