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A CO O D PAY J O B I N ELECTRICITY 6 N REAL MOTORS, GENERATORS, ETC, Start $1260 to $2100 Year Men — Women Franklin Institute, Dept. B.242 Rochester, N. Y. c Sin: Rush frco (11 32-pags bonk with s x list of Government Jobs. (2) Tell me ., „ "3 how to qualify for one of these jobs. Mail Coupon Today-StJEB * J,ame / Address BE m EXPERT S!l HI-POWER AIR PISTOLS Model 28 Haenel: Absolutely acci irate; perfect balance: easy loading; bard fhoot- Jnsr. Bluerl steel; suisle shot; rifled barrel: 17? cal.; length 10*2": wt. XYi lbs.; wood stows. (List $0.00) Special $6.95. , Model 23 Haenel: Larger, more po^erf-il: len?:n 10Vs"; wt. 2Y 2 lbs. blurd steel; 177 & 22 cals. I Ups. S13.50) Special 9.95. . ta , . ■ Diana No. 5: long barrel; shoots like a rifle; single shot; li7 & 22 rals; wt. 34 oz. ; length 13 Vis" (Reg. $13,501 Special $10.95. Bsys Air Pistols: Koenfire: single shot; 200 BB's froe— c.2.00. Hcen?.t 100 Shot Roptr.: 509 steel BB's free (Kes. 55) ; Special $4.45. POO Extra Pellets 177-HOc; 2:2-75c; Steel BB's 35.^: Darts *A3o doz. Bargain Catalog: Police Good*, Bcdoes, All Rifles, Telcsccpct, Microscopes, Blank Pistols, etc. Snii 3c stamp. LEE SALES CO., (Dept. FN) 35 West 32nd Street, New York City available at $125-5175 per month"* steady. Cabin. Hnnt, trap, patrol. Qualify at once. Get de- tails immediately. BATS ON SEEVICS BFEEATJ, B-52, Denver, Colo. AT ONCE Mother, Home, Love. Patriotic. Sacred, Comic or any subject. Don't delay — send your poem today for immediate consideration. KICHAKD BEOS., 27 Woods Bldg;., Chicago, 111. MR K E iMO NiEY Wit H GIFT BH NK I D EH Hillions use Sayraan's Vegetable Wonder Soap. Known for 50 years. Take orders for this nationally used soap and 150 other Sayman products — foods, extracts, spices, etc. Our new Gift. Plan nial:e3 QuicI; sales .. you— often 38 Valuable Gifts to purchasers, chance to own prof- itable, steady business. Get Bis Mccey- making Outfit on trial. SAYMAN PRODUCTS CO., Dept. C-19. ST. LOUIS, MO. FREE SAMPLES OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR TRAINED GRADUATES Railway and Bus Lines uso our trained Passen- ger Traffic Inspectors. Earn good pay to 6tart and advance rapidly with experience. Short, home-study course prepares you and upon comple- tion jve place you at up to $135 per month, plus expenses, to start, or refund tuition. Interesting work; splendid opportunities. Write for details. STANDARD BUSINESS TRAINING INSTITUTE, Dlv. 1311 Buffalo, N. Y. "Learn by Doing" in t2 Weeks If] Send coupon now and I'll tell you all about my quick, easy way to train for your start for a better job and a real future in the giant field of ELECTRICITY. I'll not only tell you about my training but I'll tell you how you can get this train- ing without laying out a lot of money. You can get training first — then start paying for it in easy monthly payments starting 60 days after your regular training period is over. My training — plus my unusual offer — -is your chance to get started towards a real job and a real future. Don't dream about better pay and a good job — prepare now to get it. Here In ray big COYNE Cblcaso training shops you are trained ceS real electrical machinery and equipment — not by correspondence or ernb?jTassins reciting but by actual Practical work. Firsb you are told how to do a thing— Then you are shown how to do it— " Then you do the work yourself under the guidance of expert in- structors. By my method of instruction you don't need previous experience or a let cf education. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE AFTER GRADUATION If you are short of money and need part-time work to help pay for your room and board while training, our Employment Depart- ment will help you get a part time job. After graduation, we will give you FREE Lifetime Employment Service. GET THE FACTS Don't let lack of money keep you from sending the Coupon NOW. My Big FREE COYNE Book is full of facts and photographs Which tell you about COYNE Practical Training and how you can get this trai n i n g first, and pay for it later. It shows you how easy it is to learn by the COYNE method. It will also tell you about my part time work plan — about my graduate employ- ment service, lifetime membership privileges and many other facts you will want to know. Don't delay — mail coupon TODAY. Training in DIESEL, Electric Refrigeration arid Air Conditioning -NO EXTRA COST MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY H. C. LEWIS, President, COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL 500 S. Paulina St. Dept. 83-66 Chicago, IIL Please send me your Big Free Book and details of yous •'Pay Tuition After Graduation Plan.'! name: ADDRESS. CITY. .STATE.

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