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Beautifully bound in rich blue cloth with attractive orange-colored cover jacket.
|- | colspan="2" | The Moon Terror, by A. G. Birch, is a stupendous weird-scientific novel of Chinese intrigue to gain control of the world. |- | style="text-align:center;" colspan="2" | ALSO—OTHER STORIES |- | colspan="2" |In addition to the full-length novel, this book also contains three shorter stories by well-known authors of thrilling weird-scientific fiction:
Ooze, by Anthony M. Rud, tells of a biologist who removed the growth limitations from an amoeba, and the amazing catastrophe that ensued.
Penelope, by Vincent Starrett, is a fascinating tale of the star Penelope, and the fantastic thing that happened when the star was in perihelion.
An Adventure in the Fourth Dimension, by Farnsworth Wright, is an uproarious skit on the four-dimensional theories of the mathematicians, and interplanetary stories in general. |- | style="text-align:center;" colspan="2" | LIMITED SUPPLY |- | colspan="2" |Make sure of getting your copy now before the close-out supply is exhausted. Send your order today for this book at the special bargain price of only 50c.
Note: This book for sale from the publishers only. It cannot be purchased in any book store. |- | colspan="2" style="border-top: dashed;" | WEIRD TALES, Book Dept.
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