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ADVERTISEMENT editor is so pleased to accept and pub. lish. I'm for stories like yours; unreal, some of them, but that is why they are good. For a while one can forget the dull grind of life. When you pick up WEIRD TALES you can't lay it down until you have read it all. That is some- thing you can't say for most magazines. Of your stories, 'The Dead Man's Tale' is the best and most unusual. I don't believe that idea was ever put in a story before. Every one who read my maga- zine voted it the best. They all thought "The Basket' and 'The Return of Black Jean' were rotten, and wondered why you took up space publishing them, but of course every one knows that editors have queer tastes sometimes, as well as the rest of us. I have never written any- thing but poety, but after reading your magazine, I thought I couldn't possibly do worse than 'The Basket,' so I'm en- closing a story.-Mrs. Thomas Earl Davison, 6520 Woodlawn Ave., Chi- cago." "Dear WEIRD TALES Editor: I am enthusiastic over the 'new' magazine. I always loved weird stories, but never could get in touch with a magazine that produced them. So here's hoping you live and thrive and keep on keeping on. -Edith Lyle Ragsdale, Centralia, Ill." "Dear Mr. Baird: I got hold of WEIRD TALES in Portland the other day. It's a hummer! You certainly have a new idea, and it's a boon for authors since they can cut loose and let their imaginations revel. I shouldn't be at all surprised if it fathered another 'King Solomon's Mines.-E. B., West Point, Me." "Dear Editor: Please do publish one of those 'dark night, awful storm, aw- fuler haunted house' ones that we girls are so fond of. Great work, yours, but too much detective stuff for us.-Ger- trude Strauss, R. 3, B. 186, Puyallup, Wash." DIVING through the remainder of our stack of letters, we encounter several that request us to bind several issues of WEIRD TALES and publish it quarterly. It's a clever idea. We'll do it some day-if enough of our readers want it. Meanwhile, don't forget to vote on "The Transparent Ghost." We're los- ing all our beauty sleep, thinking about that story. THE EDITOR. 1 down! Balance in easy monthly payments. The 21 Jewel STUDEBAKER -The Insured Watch 64 Different Art Beauty Chain FREE! Casee, 8 adjustments. Buy direct-big savings. With every FREE BOOK Watch Lim Sutto today Brudebaker Studebaker Advance Watch ted offer. Write and today. Stalebaker Watch Company, Dept. 7613 South Bend, Indians imal KUNIN www M SELL TIRES Earn $75 to $300 Wkly This is your chance others are making big money. The demand for our standard make osed tires-in- cluding Goodrich, Goodyear, Plak and Firestone-has grown im- meneely and we now need repre- sentatives to take care of our cas tomers. Be our representative. "Go- Getters" make big money. 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