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time I feel that I must write and let

you know how much I like it. By pass- ing the copies among my friends, I have gained quite a number of readers for your magazine that heretofore did not know it existed. Have just finished reading your September issue, and think it great. I got a real thrill reading 'The Gorilla' by Horatio Ver- non Ellis. It was a dandy. Would like to see him appear again in WEIRD TALES.... In my opinion, 'The Au- tobiography of a Blue Ghost' was, in- stead of being horrible, silly. But it is a wonderful magazine, and I wish it continued prosperity and a wider circu- lation. Mrs. F. Wickman, 311 Second Ave., W., Duluth, Minn." "Dear Mr. Baird: Destiny, I suppose, compelled me to drop in and visit my uncle, who works in a cigar and maga- zine booth in a hotel here in town. Idly glancing over the magazines in the rack, I saw one with a black front and the words, WEIRD TALES, printed on it in red and white.. Not caring much for magazines, I had never noticed this one before. Picking it up, when my uncle's back was turned, the title, 'The People of the Comet,' immediately took my fancy, and, glancing at the titles of all the stories, I very soon made up my mind that I must have this magazine. I took 25 cents from a very nearly empty bank, went to the nearest maga- zine store and, after buying the maga- zine, ran all the way home, because I was afraid I might stop to read it on the street. Although I am only thirteen years old, I am crazy over WEIRD TALES. It is the very best magazine I have ever read. Some of the stories I don't like, but I have never yet been dis- appointed in the Unique Magazine. Here are some of the stories I like best: 'The Room with the Black Velvet Drapes,' 'Doctor X,' 'Shades,' 'The Room in the Tower,' 'The Corpse on the Third Slab,' 'The People of the Comet,' 'The Blood- Stained Parasol,' 'The Autobiography of a Blue Ghost.'-Ralph Fingle, 235 Fifth St., Long Beach, Calif. "To the Editor of WEIRD TALES: Say, your magazine is GREAT. I have passed mine around among my friends, and they are all unanimous in the de- claration that the fantastic tales in it are extremely interesting and unusual. The public DOES like creepy tales. We all like the unusual and we all enjoy let- ting our imagination take a wild flight occasionally. Your stories are a lot bet- ter than these risque stories the average ADVERTISEMENT Learn Public Speaking 10 Lessons FREE Write-quick-for particulars of this extraordinary offer; an opportunity you will never forget if you take advantage of it. Ten lessons in effective public speaking absolutely FREE to those who act promptly, to introduce our course in localities where it is not already known. WHAT THE COURSE TEACHES YOU How to talk before your club or lodge. How to address board meetings. How to propose and respond to toasts. How to make a political speech. How to tell entertaining stories. How to make after-dinner speeches. How to converse interestingly. How to write better letters. How to sell more goods. How to train your memory. How to enlarge your vocabulary. How to develop self-confidence. How to acquire a winning person- ality. How to strengthen your will power and ambition. How to become a clear, accurate thinker. How to develop your power of concentration. How to be the master of any situation. We Teach You by Mail We teach you by mail to become a power- ful and convincing speaker-to influence and dominate the decisions of one man or an audience of a thousand. We have trained hundreds and helped them to in- crease their earnings and their popularity. Learn in your spare time at home how to overcome "stage fright" and conquer fear of others; how to enlarge your vocabulary; how to develop self-confidence and the qualities of leadership; how to RULE others by the power of your speech alone; how to train your memory. New Easy Method perfected and taught only by Prof. R. E. Pattison Kline, former dean of the Public Speaking Department of the Columbia College of Expression, can be learned in 15 minutes a day. Prof. Kline is one of the foremost authorities in the country on public speaking and mental development: Do not let this chance escape you. Mail this Free Coupon Offer Limited! Send No Money NORTH AMERICAN INSTITUTE 3601 Michigan Ave., Dept. 6367, Chicago, Ill. LESSONS COUPON North American Institute 24 Chicago, Ill. This Special Offer of TEN LESSONS FREE is made 3601 Michigan Ave., Dept. 6367 strictly for advertising purposes, and will be with-/ drawn without notice. Write now before it expires, and receive full particulars with enrollment blank by return mail. No obligations of any kind. Just tear off and mail this free coupon-or a postal will do. " I Name FREE Street City. 91 I am interested in your course in Effective Public Speaking and your offer of 10 lessons free. Please send full particulars. This request places me under no obligations of any kind. State

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