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Ser Kacwieder 320 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED, CLOTH By Winfield Scott Hall, M. D., Ph. D. SEX FACTS MADE PLAIN What every young man and Every young woman should know: What every young husband and Every young wife should knows What every parent should know. Malled in Table contents and commendations on request plala wrapper. AMERICAN PUB. CO.. 1177 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia $1.00 FOSTPAID ADVERTISEMENT SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE tion. If this letter is a 'knocker,' don't mind it. My opinion isn't worth much. But I do want to see WEIRD TALES, in especial, go big. Wishing you all sorts of good luck-Joseph Faus, 408 First National Bank Building, Miami, Fla." N° 2,$4.25 N°9 ZONE $3,27, ppppppppocaccede N° 1 N°7 $3.85 $3.74 PUT THIS WONDERFUL RING NEXT TO A GENUINE DIAMOND AND IF YOU CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE SEND IT BACK "Raben" diamande positively match genuine diamonde. The me glitter, blase, and and match c of ray Are almost defying life time diamond expert, Nolther scienc eglence nor man has ever created anything more realistie. Give Rabon the shte test that you would a genuine diamond, prove to yourself ite amaring qualities. WEAR ARABON" DIAMOND TEN DAYS, AT OUR EXPENSE. YOU TAKE NO RISK. And if your friends, or even you your self, can tellit from a genuine diamend, eend it back and we $3.85 3X128 $314 $3.79 guarantee to refund your money immediately. No. 1 Ladies' hand carved white platinum effect No. 3 Hand carved Detagen sypay wreen gold nich No. Pinely carved platinum enect or 14 karat finirh: No.9 Handsome tooth ring reeonted in karat gold abell 3.27 No. 10 Massive hand carved platinum effest No. 10, 2 karat size. Othera] karatibles white absolutely perfect. Coontinge, exact duplicates of lateat style, original, genuine creations. Unconditionally guaranteed for 20 years. Send size shown by allp of paper $5.75 SEND NO MONEY. atting and to end around your Anger When ring by return mall, deposit with the postmen amount shown above and if you are not more than delighted or decide not to keep it withio 10 days,.and it back and get your money. THE RABON Co. 942 Bway, Dept. 103 New York N°10. $5,75 Nº1 P N°2 Free for 10 Days' Wear Send no money-Just your name and ad- dress. We will then send you one of these genuine Tifnite gems to wear for 10 days. Note ite dazzling brilliancy. Putitalongside the costliest diamond. If you can tell the Tifnite from a real diamond, send it back. Like a REAL Diamond specopepeca NALAVIVAL "My dear Mr. Baird: Have read all the issues to date of your unique maga- zine. Some of them were good, some ex- cellent, and some were-well, just tales. However, you have gained a reader just the same, who is fed up on the wishy- washy tales in the average magazine. You deserve the acme of success for your courage in taking the radical step that you have, and all best wishes for that success.-Ralph S. Happel, 93 State St., Albany, N. Y." "Dear sirs: I want to congratulate you on the wonderful book your com- pany is putting out. In this month's issue 'The Cup of Blood' was a corker. It was one of the most interesting stor- ies in the book. Thomas J. Harris, 83 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y." "Dear Mr. Baird: Allow me to ex- press, again, my appreciation for the kind of story WEIRD TALES stands for. As soon as I get definitely located, I intend to show my appreciation in a A genuine Tifnite has all the fire and flash of a real diamond. And like a real diamond, every Tifnite is set in a beautiful solid gold mounting. Gents' Ring No. 1 Ladies' Ring No. 2 Noweet style mounting. Solld gold and hand-made, USTED teed. Genule Tifnite, ccm, almost 1 kerat weight, in ex quleitely rich setting. C Gesutne Tifnite cou. Almost 1 karat in weight Bolid gold mounting. Wide Amand-preeg eetting to bold stone securely. Order Quick to new customers. Prices seselally Everything on pre-war besis. second des jeunt of Anger We have only 5,000 of these rings to quickly introduce low, terme very easy. Send trip of paper fitting for your ring sig, We will Tifeite ringe. and you your choice of these rivee, deposit $3.50 with postmaster. Wear it 10 days our expense. anyone can tell it from diamond, cand it back and we will refund your deposit. If you decide to buy, merely pay the balance at 43.00 per month until the special price of $12.60 la pald. Write today. THE TIFNITE COMPANY 1467-69 3. Michigan Ave. Dept. 11334 Chicago ONEEMAN NEON SEA Good Luck and Happiness FREE Jwill tell you Under which Zodiac Sign were you born? What are your opportunities in life, your future pros pects, happiness in marriage, friends, enemies, success in all undertakings and many other vita! questions as indicated by ASTROLOGY, the most ancient and interesting science of history? Were you born under a lucky star? I will tell you free, the most inter- esting astrological interpretation of the Zodiac Sign you were born under. Simply send me the exact date of your birth in your own handwriting. To cover cost of this notice and postage., enclose tinelve cents in any form and your exact name and address. Your astrological interpretation will paid. to the birth date be written in plain language and sent to you securely sealed and post- LAUNDAVACA. ASTA STUDIO. Dept. W. T., 309 Fifth Ave., New York send more substantial way by subscribing for this magazine. I have all the numbers except the first, and am thus proving my right to be a WEIRD TALES fan.- Walter F. McCanless, Wadesboro. N. C." "My dear Editor: The readers in The Eyrie are all enthusiasts, no doubt, but they can't beat me in voicing my praise of your new book.... Poe is the best of this kind I have yet read, but weird stories are hard to get, and, being espe- cially interested in ancient Egypt, I en- joyed 'The Hall of the Dead' the most. What do you suppose E. E. L. of Chi- cago considers Poe's 'supreme tale'?.. The present-day conventions in movies, stories and drama are downright ho- kum. Why? They never consider the occult at all. They must have a happy ending. The editor says so. Don't you think people are about fed up on the same old stories day by day? Why did O. Henry make such a hit? Not from a weird standpoint, of course, but his stor- ies travel along life's path as only life itself would and can!-Godfrey Lam- pert, Jasper, Ind.". "Mr. Edwin Baird: I started read- ing your youthful magazine at its first appearance, and, like everybody else, I enjoy the stories, but I have a bit of criticism to make... ..I am very fond of weird stories, tales of terror and mys- tery, but it would never do for anyone to read this type of story only and con- tinuously. What we read has a vital part in moulding our thoughts and life, and too much of this morbid stuff would drive a person insane... The most ter- rifying of stories are those which sug- gest the horrors of insanity, of the premature pronouncing of death and premature burial and the dead-seeming form of catalepsy. With the thought of these brought out in a story, the after- thought would be, 'What if it should happen to me!' So I suggest that in closing the magazine each month you. have some story practical and whole- some in nature, so that we readers can read it last and sleep without dreams that are frightful. If not a story of that kind, then print a page of jokes. (but I fear they would be read first, not last). For proof that WEIRD TALES is strong stuff, my mother (who is usu- ally bored by the usual kind of stoties and goes to sleep reading them) is able to stay awake long enough to read W. T. -Lee Andrews, 220 Minerva St., Indi- anapolis, Ind." "Dear Sir: As I have been a con- stant reader of your magazine for some

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