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Salary Increases
A only ask that you risk two cents on the strength of my word that the content of this amazing book will show you the way to a prosperity that you never dreamed possible, in a fascinating field that you never thought of entering. This book is now free. Read my offer.
Read What They Did $9000 First Year Ellis Sumner Cook, 20 E. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, left. a’ $26 a week job and last year made $9,000!
$100 a Month to $100 a Week in Only 3 Months
H, D. Miller, another Chicago boy, was’ making '$100 a month as a stenographer in July, 1922. In September, 8 months later, he was making $100 a week as a salesman.
$150 to $500 a Month
‘W. P. Clenny of. Kansas City, Mo. stepped from @ $160 a month clerk- ship into a selling job at $500 a month. He is making $850 a month now.
$6500 a Year ‘M, V. Stephens of Albany, Ky., was making $252 week. Ie took up this training and now makes 5 times that much,
Small Pay to Big Earnings
J. H. Cash of Atlanta, Ga, exchanged his $75 a month job for one inch pays him $500 a month.
Now Sales Manager at $10,000 a Year
O. H. Malfroot of Boston, Mass., stepped into a $10,000 position as a SALES MANAGER—so thorough is this training. All these successes are due to this easy, fascinating and rapid way to master certain invincible secrets of selling.
FIRST, let me ask you two questions. One: Do you consider that you are as intelligent as the average mail-clerk, farmhand, office clerk, mechanic or bookkeeper? I ask you this because most of the men whose salaries have been jumped are just, ordinary, ever-day sort of men.
Second: If you suddenly found yourself with all the money you needed to spend, wearing the best clothes, living in the finest neighborhood, driving a good car and belonging to the clubs - but having to make good in a job that paid $10,000 a year would it scare you? There are men to whom $10,000 a year is so much that the idea of earning it themselves never occurs to them. They will always be in routine jobs at low pay. Their dreams will never come true. But yours will if you will absorb what I am going to tell you. For my work in life is to take ordinary men from blind-alley jobs and show them how they can quickly make more money than they ever dreamed possible. And if you will give me a chance I'm going to show you how it's done!
Now, in one quick step, you can fairly jump from low pay to magnificent earnings. You can enter the field where opportunities in your favor are ten to one - the selling field. You know don't you, that Salesman is his own boss - that his work is fascinating, interesting and highly profitable? But the thing you doubt is your own ability. All right but you can become a first-class, money-making salesman in an amazingly easy way.
Proof That Salesmen Are Made— Not “Born”
You might laugh if I told you that in a few weeks or months you could be making good in a big way in the selling field. Thousands before you have laughed - perhaps bitterly - at the idea. but many of these thousands are now making big money as salesmen.
The story of six men who once thought salesmen were "born." who did not believe they were "cut out for selling." is on this page.
Thousands of men like these six-men who had never sold a dime'n worth of goods in their lives - men who formerly thought salesmen were "born," are now enjoying magnificent earnings in the selling field. Formerly they were bookkeepers, mechanics, farmers, clerks, even doctors, lawyers and ministers - but in a few months after writing to the National Salesmen's Training Association they were out in the field selling-and making more money than they had ever hoped to make in their former vocations.
Sounds remarkable, doesn't it? Yet there is nothing remarkable about it - salesmanship is governed by rules and laws. There is a certain way of saying and doing things, and again way of approaching a prospect to get his undivided attention, certain ways to overcome objections, batter down prejudice, overcome competition and make the prospect act.
Just as you learned the alphabet, so you can learn salesmanship, And through the NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION METHOD - an exclusive feature of the N.S.T.A. System of Salesmanship Training - you gain actual experience while studying.
The NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION METHOD gives you experience and knowledge that will enable you to overcome sales obstacles of all descriptions easily. It is one of the many reasons why N.S.T.A. members make good salesman right from the start.
A Lifetime of Selling Experience in a Few Weeks - then Success
No matter what you are doing now, I can prove to you that you can gain years of selling experience in a few weeks - that you can go out and successfully sell goods - that you can make more money than you ever dreamed possible.
The N.S.T.A System of Salesmanship Training and Employment Service will enable you to quickly step into the ranks of successful salesman will give you a big advantage over those who lack this training. It will enable you to jump from small pay to a real man's income.
Remarkable Book, "Modern Salesmanship," Sent FREE
With my compliments I want to send you a most remarkable book, "Modern Salesmanship." It will portray to you the wonderful opportunities in the selling field for you.
It will show you how you can easily become a Master Salesman- a big money-maker-how the N. S. T. A. System of Salesmanship Training through the NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION METHOD will give you years of selling experience in a few weeks: how our FREE Employment Service will help you select and secure a good selling position when you are qualified and ready. And it will give you success stories of former outline workers who are now earning amazing salaries as salesmen. Mail the coupon today for the interesting FREE book. It may be the turning-point in your life.
National Salesmen's Training Association Dept. 109-S Chicago, Ill.
I simply want to see the facts. Send me free your book. "Modern Salesmanship," and Proof that I can become a Master Salesman Name Address City State Age Occupation