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this Baiianna-gari-Anantaiia, for the balance of his pay, after deducting the (al-al-hisaa)* share due to him. And likewise bestowed on him in free gift the village Qoviridu palle in the Bucca Raya Samudram country.

3. Alter some more time had passed, in the year Iswara (A. D. 1757) Balavant Rao came with (some) troops and besieged Ananta- puram. [The besiegers] placed one battery at the perfumer's shop in the suburbs : and one on the Mallappa bank, and [a third] in the town : they did not even suffer a kitten to move it* paw, and used great violence. AsBasavahad now no money to offer to them to reconcile them, he resolved, saying, Let us fall on this army and die. So he called together his Laird (Siddappa) and the high officeis and all the people: and addressed them saying ** As we have nothing to offer to these (tyrants) and pacify them, let me to-morrow go at noon* assault their batteries, fight them, and clear the town of them. If I return here, well : otherwise look out for yourselves." So saying he assembled ail the troops and said u There is a scheme for the ruin of this family. \Ve have no wealth to offer [to the enemy] and make peace. (*) Our family is celebrated for (xatra dharmam) heroism, according to the usual report of us. Let us go at noon to-mor-row and fall upon their host, wage battle, remove the batteries, and clear the suburbs : this is the thought of my heart. Let every man who wishes to fight along with me come to me after breakfast to-morrow morning, arid wearing yellow robesf let them come and be ready at the sally port near the stone gate of the town."

That night, at four hours]; [after midnight] he went into the Mansion and ate. Then he visited all the guards and sentries.

4. As it now dawned, he again went into the Mansion ; he bathed and caused two great lamps to be put before saint Siddha Kara*

  • Al-al-hissa. See note. p. 40 The payments made pro rata.

(*) Page 47.

t That is, having smeared their cloths with turmeric because they were devoting their lives as a sacrifice.

J Tasu. A Hindu hour: four hours denotes about.midnight. This reckoning is not now in use.

Akhandam : entire: not separated. Tins is the name given to a lamp \\lnch is kept continually burin, ij; in a shrine.

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