outside [the fort] while he went in, to the presence of Ramapa, laird of Anantapuram and said, Honorable persons have come bearing letters from Ramapa laird of Bellari ; and have halted outside [your citadel.] You should call them in, grant them an interview, and receive and read their letters, and send them on their way. The laird replied, " For many days past no letters have passed between them and us ! Yet, what matters it ? When honourable persons come, let us admit them." On his saying so, this Zaggula Mallappa came to the outside [of the castle] and said to the visitors. " If [my lord] asks what did [your lord] say by word of mouth ? you must reply saying Our master has addressed a letter to you expressing his wish to have one of your sons." Then he carried them in [to the castle] and introduced them to the laird of Anantapur, who asked [them] "What is the news ?" They replied before his honour according to what he [Mallappa] had instructed them to say, and delivered the letters to his hand. He took them, broke the envelopes, and read them. According as they had stated(*) [the letters] were written requesting a son [for the purpose of adoption]. He was well-pleased : and considered that this would put both families into his hands. So he gave these honourable persons [a room for] lodging, and sent, out of his granary, rice, grain, and other eatables of every kind, and directed this Zaggula Mallappa to tend them night and day : so he sent them to their apartments.
21. Afterwards this laird of Anantapuram called this Zaggula Mallappa who was with him, and some of his older women, * and read to them the letters which had come to him from Bellari, and said "They have written saying, If you will bestow a boy [on us] that we may rear him, this our family [shall become] yours ; now if we consider the state of things it is the fact that they have [i. e. lie has"] no male offspring : and they have written for a boy. It seems to me [lit. to my mind] that it will be well to give them a boy ; and thus get their house into our power. Now what advice do you [ladies] give about this ?" Those noble ladies* considered in their hearts, " It is in his honour's heart to bestow a boy on them,