VIZAGAPA.TAM. Laws in the AoEXcr Limits of the Agency. Zamindaris. Vizianagram. Bobbili. Jeypore. Kurupam. Sangamvalasa. Chemadu. Pachipenta. Andra. Sarapalli- Bhimavaram. Saldr. Midgole. Belgani. M6rangi. Taluks. Palkonda. Golgonda. CHAP. XIII. Commissioner with a force of troops, an Act (XXIV of 1839) was Courts and passed on Mr. Eussell's advice which enacted that in this district (and also in Granjam) ' the operation of the rules for the administra- tion of civil and criminal justice, as well as those for the collection of the revenue, shall cease to have effect, except as hereinafter mentioned, within the undermentioned tracts of country ' and that ' the administration of civil and criminal justice (including the superintendence of the police) and the collection and superin- tendence of the revenues of every description, within the tracts of country specified, .... shall be vested in the Collector of Vizagapatam and shall be exercised by (him) as Agent to the Governor of 1^'ort St. George.' The tracts in this district which were thus removed from the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts and laws and constituted the Agency, were the zamindaris and taluks noted in the margin. In other words, some seven-eighths of the whole district (all of it except the old havili land) was turned into a non-regulation area and placed under a special system of adminis- tration. The remainder was subordinated, in judicial matters, to the Civil and Sessions Judge of Chicacole, with a sub-court at Vizagapatam and a district munsif at Eayavaram. In June 1863, in view of the improved condition of the district, the zamindaris of Vizianagram (except Kasipuram estate) and Bobbili, and the taluk of Palkonda, were restored by notification to the ordinary jurisdiction and placed under the newly- constituted Civil and Sessions Court at Vizaga- patam. In December 1864, in consequence of the heavy work thrown on the Agent by the civil cases arising in so large an Agency, a further reduction in its limits was made by the exclusion from it of the estates noted in the margin ; while in December 1868 that part of Golgonda taluk which lay below the Ghats and between them and the east of the river Bodderu was retransferred to the ordinary jurisdiction. Since then no alterations in the limits of the Agency have occurred. Zamindaris. Kurupam (except the Gumma and Konda muttas). Sangamvalasa. Chemudu. P4chipenta (below the Ghats). Andra. Sarapalli- Bhimavaram the the SaHir. Madgole (below Ghats). Belgam. M^rangi (except Mondenkallu and Konda muttas). Taluk. Golgonda (except the hill muttas).