petty theft when he was a boy. It is the most illiberal and the
most unjustifiable mode of arguing, and if applied to the Church of England, would reduce it to a worse case than that of her old rival."
The "bigots," who are here charged by the Liberal electors of Yorkshire with reviving mediaeval Eomanism, are not Yaticanists, but Protestant bigots, whose sinister predictions the Yaticanists have done, and are doing, their best to verify. Both by reason of the language of this extract, and of its being taken out of the actual working armoury of one of the great elec- tioneering struggles for the County of York, which then much predominated in importance over every other constituency of the United Kingdom, it is important. It shows by direct evidence how the mitigated professions of the day told, and justly told, on the popular mind of England.
APPENDIX F (p. 59).
I. From the Decree.
" Et primo declarat, quod ipsa in Spiritu Sancto legitime con- gregata, concilium generale faciens, et ecclesiam Catholicam re- prsesentans, potestatem a Christo immediate habet, cui quilibet cujusque status vel dignitatis, etiam si papalis existat, obedire tenetur in his quse ])ertinent ad ficlem et extirpationem dicti schis- matis, et reformationem dictse ecclesise in capite et in membris." — Cone. Const. Sess. v. ; Labbe et Cossart, tom. xii. p. 22. From the account of the Pope's confirmation. " Quibus sic factis, sanctissimus dominus noster papa dixit, respondendo ad praedicta, quod omnia et singula determinata con- clusa et decreta in maferiis fidei per praesens concilium, con- ciliariter tenore et inviolabiliter observare volebat, et nunquam contraire quoquo modo. Ipsaque sic conciliariter facta approbat et ratificat, et non aliter, nee alio modo." — Cone. Const. Sess. xlv. ; Labbe et Cossart, tom. xii. p. 258.
APPENDIX G (p. 68).
Labbe, Concilia, x. 1127, ed. Paris, 1671, Canon 11. " Ohedife lyrsepositis vestris, et siibjacete iUis ; ipsi enim prsevigi- lant fro animahis vestris, tanquam rationem reddituri : Paulus