I then show that all the statistics of small-pox mortality, whether of London; of England, Scotland, and Ireland; of the best vaccinated Continental States; of unvaccinated Leicester; or of the re-vaccinated Army and Navy, without any exception, prove the absolute inutility of Vaccination; and I feel confident that every unprejudiced person who will carefully read these few pages, and will verify such of my statements as seem to them most incredible, will be compelled to come to the same conclusion.
I appeal from the medical and official apologists of Vaccination to the intelligence and common sense of my fellow-countrymen, and I urge them to insist upon the immediate abolition of all legislation enforcing or supporting this useless and dangerous operation.
CHAPTER PAGE I. Vaccination and Small-Pox5 II. Much of the Evidence adduced for Vaccination is Worthless23 III. The General Statistics of Small-pox Mortality in relation to Vaccination31 IV. Two Great Experiments which are conclusive against Vaccination54 V. Critical Remarks on the "Final Report"70 VI. Summary and Conclusion80