1. Rattlesnake. Crotalus horridus (durissus).
Length, sixty inches; stout; light gray-brown, with three rows of red brown, dark-brown or black spots, more or less confluent; sometimes spots blurr, forming zigzag bands or broad cross bars; head, broad and triangular; forehead covered with scales not larger than those of the back; the upper jaw with two large fang teeth containing the poison; last joints of tail horny and flat, forming the rattles; end of tail blunt.
2. Massasauga. Prairie Rattlesnake. Sistrurus catenatus.
Length, thirty inches; blackish-brown, with seven rows of black and yellow-edged chestnut-colored square spots; forehead covered with larger plates or scale than those of neck; upper jaw with poisonous fang teeth; rattles small.
Western and Southern.