during the year 1835, it appeared that that demand was at least equal to the utmost ability of the colonial government to provide a supply by means of the land-revenue. But, instead of adopting the requisite means to ensure an adequate supply in such circumstances, the colonial government merely offered a certain bounty to such individual settlers as should import within a given period agricultural labourers, shepherds, mechanics, &c. of certain specified descriptions. But most of the colonial settlers, and especially those who are best able to give employment to persons of these descriptions, having been long resident in New South Wales, and having no means of inducing trust-worthy persons in the mother country to undertake the trouble and expense of selecting and forwarding to the colony suitable emigrants for the purposes for which they required their services, the government bounty was applied for by comparatively few of the colonial proprietors, in proportion to the actual demand for labour; and the probability is, that through the obvious impracticability of managing affairs of this kind merely by written communications from the extremity of the globe, the number imported will fall greatly short of the number for whom the bounty is actually pledged, while the expense to the settlers will greatly exceed the