pedient that the governor should in future be relieved of the duties more immediately connected with the administration and management of the transportation system, as it concerns the colony; and that an officer should be appointed direct from England, to undertake the whole management and control of the convicts of all classes throughout the territory. On the character and ability, the zeal, assiduity, and energy of that officer, the future efficiency of the transportation system, and the moral welfare of the colony of New South Wales, (as far as it is likely to be affected by the continuance of transportation,) would in great measure depend; and it is therefore unnecessary to observe, that the appointment would be one of unspeakable importance to the colonists of all classes, and would consequently demand the conscientious exercise of all the prudent discrimination of which His Majesty's ministers are capable. Such an officer should, by all means, be a civilian, of approved character, of much and tried experience in the management of criminals, and of a sufficiently enlarged and expansive mind to be capable of applying to that important branch of the public service all the improvements of the present enlightened age, whether derived from British, continental, or American experience. He should also be accom-