quired in the present circumstances and condition of the colony of New South Wales. And surely it would be no act of injustice in itself, as it would decidedly be an act of justice as well as of the best policy towards the colony, to appropriate a large portion of the available colonial funds in carrying out as many thousands of the virtuous and industrious inhabitants of that part of the united kingdom to New South Wales, as would equal in number the thousands of convicts that have been already carried out to that colony, entirely at the cost of the British public, from the southern parts of Ireland.
As a large portion, therefore, of the inhabitants of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland are at present supplicating for relief under the pressure of alarming destitution, and as the friends and well-wishers of that interesting portion of the inhabitants of the united kingdom uniformly point to emigration as the only means of permanent relief; it is earnestly to be desired that His Majesty's government will act in the matter with all the vigour and decision which the case so imperatively requires; as in so doing, they will infallibly promote the best interests of the Australian colonies, as well as those of the mother country.
- London, 24th March, 1837.