The Tragedies of Seneca
This day is in thy hands; its fertile hours employ.
Jason: Oh, take my life, thou heartless one.
Medea: Thou bid'st me pity—
Well! [Slays the second child.]—'Tis done!
No more atonement, passion, can I offer thee.
Now hither lift thy tearful eyes ungrateful one. 1020
Dost recognize thy wife? 'Twas thus of old I fled.
The heavens themselves provide me with a safe retreat.
[A chariot drawn by dragons appears in the air.]
Twin serpents bow their necks submissive to the yoke.
Now, father, take thy sons; while I, upon my car,
With wingéd speed am borne aloft through realms of air. 1025
[Mounts her car and is borne away.]
Jason [calling after her]: Speed on through realms of air that mortals never
But, witness heaven, where thou art gone no gods can be!