The Tragedies of Seneca
And opposition only fans their fiery rage
To whiter heat. The very bulwarks feel their power. 890
[Medea enters in time to hear that her magic has been successful.]
Nurse [to Medea]: Oh, haste thee, leave this land of Greece, in headlong
Medea: Thou bid'st me speed my flight? Nay rather, had I fled,
I should return for this. Strange bridal rites I see!
[Absorbed in her own reflections.]
Why dost thou falter, O my soul? 'Tis well begun; 895
But still how small a portion of thy just revenge
Is that which gives thee present joy? Not yet has love
Been banished from thy maddened heart if 'tis enough
That Jason widowed be. Pursue thy vengeful quest
To acts as yet unknown, and steel thyself for these.
Away with every thought and fear of God and man; 900
Too lightly falls the rod that pious hands upbear.
Give passion fullest sway; exhaust thy ancient powers;
And let the worst thou yet hast done be innocent
Beside thy present deeds. Come, let them know how slight
Were those thy crimes already done; mere training they 905
For greater deeds. For what could hands untrained in crime
Accomplish? Or what mattered maiden rage? But now,
I am Medea; in the bitter school of woe
My powers have ripened. 910
[In an ecstacy of madness.]
Oh, the bliss of memory!
My infant brother slain, his limbs asunder rent,
My royal father spoiled of his ancestral realm,
And Pelias' guiltless daughters lured to slay their sire!
But here I must not rest; no untrained hand I bring 915
To execute my deeds. But now, by what approach
Or by what weapon wilt thou threat the treacherous foe?
Deep hidden in my secret heart have I conceived
A purpose which I dare not utter. Oh, I fear
That in my foolish madness I have gone too far—
I would that children had been born to him of this 920
My hated rival. Still, since she hath gained his heart,
His children too are hers—