That Kreon, this land's lord, will shortly drive 70
These boys from soil Corinthian with their mother?
Howbeit, if the tale I heard be true
I know not: fain were I it were not so.
Will Jason brook his children suffering this,
What though he be estranged from their mother? 75
Children's Guardian.
The old ties in the race lag far behind
The new:—no friend is he unto this house.
We are undone then, if we add fresh ill
To old, ere lightened be our ship of this.
Children's Guardian.
But thou—for 'tis not season that thy lady 80
Should know—keep silence, and speak not the tale.
Hear, babes, what father this is unto you!
I curse him—not: he is my master still:
But to his friends he stands convict of baseness.
Children's Guardian.
What man is not?—Hast learnt this only now, 85
That each man loves self better than his neighbour,
For just cause some, and some for greed of gain?
So, for a bride's sake, these their father loves not.