Let me pass on, and have my thanks unmeasured.
Unto another's hearth thou canst not go. 545
[To an attendant] Ho thou, lead on: open the guest-bowers looking
Away from these our chambers. Tell my stewards
To set on meat in plenty. Shut withal
The mid-court doors: it fits not that the guests,
The while they feast, hear wailings, and be vexed. 550
[Exit Herakles.
What dost thou?—such affliction at the door,
And guests for thee, Admetus? Art thou mad?
But had I driven him from my home and city
Who came my guest, then hadst thou praised me more?
Nay, sooth; for mine affliction so had grown 555
No less, and more inhospitable I;
And to mine ills were added this beside,
That this my home were called "Guest-hating Hall."
Yea, and myself have proved him kindliest host
Whene'er to Argos' thirsty plain I fared. 560
Why hide then the dread Presence in the house,
When came a friend?—Thyself hast named him friend.
Never had he been won to pass my doors,
Had he one whit of mine afflictions known.