can tell him to make money for me to feed my men.'
And they drove away to Iván; and Simon said, 'Dear brother, I have not enough soldiers; make me another couple of ricks or so.'
Iván shook his head.
'No!' says he, 'I will not make any more soldiers.'
'But you promised you would.'
'I know I promised, but I won't make any more.'
'But why not, fool?'
'Because your soldiers killed a man. I was ploughing the other day near the road, and I saw a woman taking a coffin along in a cart, and crying. I asked her who was dead. She said, "Simon's soldiers have killed my husband in the war." I thought the soldiers would only play tunes, but they have killed a man. I won't give you any more.'
And he stuck to it, and would not make any more soldiers.
Tarás the Stout, too, began to beg Iván to make him more gold money. But Iván shook his head.
'No, I won't make any more,' said he.
'Didn't you promise?'
'I did, but I'll make no more,' said he.
'Why not, fool?'
'Because your gold coins took away the cow from Michael's daughter.'
'Simply took it away! Michael's daughter had a cow. Her children used to drink the milk. But the other day her children came to me to ask for milk. I said, "Where's your cow?" They answered, "The steward of Tarás the Stout came and gave mother three bits of gold, and she gave him the cow, so we have nothing to drink." I thought you were only going to play with the gold pieces, but you have taken the children's cow away. I will not give you any more.'
And Iván stuck to it and would not give him any more. So the brothers went away. And as they