Proc. 8645
Title 3—The President
Affordable Care Act, new health insurance plans must offer certain screening tests, including Pap tests, mammograms, and colonoscopies, at no extra cost. I encourage every man and woman to talk with a health professional about available testing and when to begin screenings. All Americans can visit for more information about the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.
My Administration is committed to continuing the advances made in cancer research, prevention, detection, and treatment. The Healthy People 2020 initiative, which is spearheaded by the Department of Health and Human Services, is tasked with outlining national objectives and benchmarks to measure progress toward improving the health of all Americans. The goals will provide a roadmap for better health and help focus our Nation's attention on trends in cancer rates, mortality, and survival.
Americans of every background have been touched by cancer, either through a personal diagnosis or that of a family member or friend, and too many of us understand the terrible toll of this disease. In memory of loved ones lost to cancer, and in tribute to the survivors and those still fighting this disease, I call on all Americans to recognize what each of us can do to live longer, healthier lives and to reach for a future free from cancer.
The Congress of the United States, by joint resolution approved March 28, 1938 (52 Stat. 148; 36 U.S.C. 103), as amended, has requested the President to issue an annual proclamation declaring April as "Cancer Control Month."
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim April 2011 as National Cancer Control Month. I encourage citizens, Government agencies, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other interested groups to join in activities that will increase awareness of what Americans can do to prevent and control cancer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.
Proclamation 8645 of March 31, 2011
National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2011
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Our Nation's children are our hope for the future, and caring for them is one of our greatest responsibilities. During National Child Abuse Prevention Month, we renew our commitment to preventing child abuse and neglect by promoting healthy families, protecting children, and supporting communities throughout our Nation.
Although a strong family unit is the best deterrent to child abuse, effectively intervening in the lives of children threatened by abuse is a shared responsibility. Strengthening the bonds within families requires community