Proclamations Proc. 7292
the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate pro- grams and activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-fourth. WILLIAM J. CLINTON Proclamation 7292 of April 14, 2000 National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, 2000 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Organ and tissue transplantation offers us the extraordinary opportunity to share with others one of our most precious gifts--the gift of life. By donat- ing tissues and organs, living donors and the families who have lost loved ones are rewarded with the knowledge that they have saved and enhanced many lives. Thanks to donors' generosity and compassion, transplant re- cipients across our country are able to work, care for their families, and look forward to a brighter future. Thanks to donors' selfiessness, many chil- dren who were not expected to see their first birthday are playing, learning to walk, and entering school. The future of the thousands of Americans awaiting transplants, however, depends on the willingness of their fellow citizens to become organ and tissue donors. More than 68,000 patients are on the national organ trans- plant waiting list; each day, 13 of them will die because the organs they need have not been donated; and every 16 minutes, a new name will be added to that waiting list. To address this critical and growing need, Vice President Gore and Sec- retary of Health and Human Services Shalala launched the National Organ and Tissue Donation Initiative in December of 1997. This public-private partnership was designed to raise awareness of the success of organ and tissue transplantation and to educate our citizens about the urgent need for increased donation. Working with partners such as health care organiza- tions, estate planning attorneys, faith communities, educational organiza- tions, the media, minority organizations, and business leaders, the Initiative is reaching out to Americans of all ages, backgrounds, and races, asking them to consider donation. In its first year alone, the Initiative made a measurable impact, as organ donation increased by 5.6 percent. But donations are still falling short nationwide. As we observe National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, I urge all Americans to consider becoming donors. Becoming a prospective organ and tissue donor is an easy, two-step process. Potential donors need only indicate their intention on their driver's license or donor card, which is available from a number of organizations by mail or on-line, and notify their families and friends of their wish to donate. I also encourage organ and tissue recipients to tell others how their lives and health have changed because of the generosity of a donor and his or her family; and I join the friends and families of do- 57