Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management
SUBTITLE B--OTHER PROVISIONS I\177ELATING TO PUBLIC CONTRACTS 50 Public Contracts, Department of Labor (Parts 50-1\1770-999) 51 Committee for Purchase From People \177Vho Are Blind or Severely Disabled (Parts 51-1--51-99) 60 Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employ- ment Opportunity, Department of Labor (Parts 60-1--60-999) 61 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans Employment and Training, Department of Labor (Parts 61-1--61-999) SUBTITLE C--FEDERAL PROPERTY l\177ANAGEMENT I\177EGULATIONS SYSTEM 101 Federal Property Management l\177egulations (Parts 101-1--101-99) 102 Federal Management l\177egulation (Parts 102-1--102-299) 105 General Services Administration (Parts 105-1--105-999) 109 Department of Energy Property Management l\177egulations (Parts 109-1--109-99) 114 Department of the Interior (Parts 114-1--114-99) 115 Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 115-1--115-99) 128 Department of Justice (Parts 128-1--128-99) SUBTITLE D--OTHER PROVISIONS I\177ELATING TO PROPERTY l\177ANAGE- MENT [RESERVED] SUBTITLE E--FEDERAL INFORMATION I\177ESOURCES l\177ANAGEMENT I\177EGULATIONS SYSTEM 201 Federal Information l\177esources Management l\177egulation (Parts 201-1--201-99) [Reserved] SUBTITLE F--FEDERAL TRAVEL I\177EGULATION SYSTEM 300 General (Parts 300-1400-99) 301 Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances (Parts 301-1401-99) 302 l\177elocation Allowances (Parts 302-1402-99) 303 Payment of Expenses Connected with the Death of Certain Em- ployees (Part 303-70) 304 Payment from a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses (Parts 304-1404-99) Title 42--Public Health I Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Serv- ices (Parts 1--199) IV Health Care Financing Administration, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 400499) V Office of Inspector General-Health Care, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1000--1999) Title 43--Public Lands: Interior SUBTITLE A--OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR (PARTS 1--199) SUBTITLE B--I\177EGULATIONS I\177ELATING TO PUBLIC LANDS 469