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Title 3--The President

Prisoner of War Recognition Day, Na- tional (Proc. 7289) Public Safety Officers, Presidential Medal of Valor for; establishment (E.G. 13161) Puerto Rico Vieques Island range facilities Community assistance (Directive of }an. 3% p. 347) Referendum (Directive of }an. 3% p. 348) Puerto Rico's Status, President's Task Force on; establishment (E.G. \1773\17783) Recall Round-Up Day, National (Proc. 7294) Refugee admissions, fiscal year 200\177 (Presidential Determination No. 00-32, p. 403) Religious Freedom Day (Proc. 7267) Russian Federation Aerospace cooperation with U.S. (Memorandum of Sept. li, p. 399) Blocking Government property relat- ing to the disposition of highly en- riched uranium extracted from nu- clear weapons (E.G. \1773\17759) Cooperative projects; delegation of au- thority to transmit reports (Memo- randurn of Mar. 3, p. 385) Safe Boating Week, National (Proc. 7309) San Joaquin Valley, Interagency Task Force on the Economic Development of the Central; establishment (E.G. \1773173) Satellites; privatization of intergovern- mental organizations (Memorandum of Aug. 2% p. 397) School Lunch Week, National (Proc. 7355) Science and Technology Week, Global (Proc. 7304) Serbia and Montenegro (Federal Repub- lic of Yugoslavia), Bosnian Serbs, and Kosovo; state of emergency (Notice of May 25, p. 389) Serbia; waiver of restrictions on assist- ance (Presidential Determination No. 0\177-07, p. 4\1770) Sierra Leone Military assistance (Presidential Deter- ruination Nos. 00-27, p. 396; No. 0\177-04, p. 408) Peacekeeping efforts (Presidential De- termination No. 00-20, p. 390) Suspension of entry for persons im- peding the peace process (Proc. 7359) Slovenia; termination of duty-free treat- ment (Proc. 7328) Small Business Week (Proc. 731\177) South Africa; disaster assistance (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-\1777, p. 385) Soviet Union, Independent States of the Former; assistance (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-\177, p. 350) Special observances 100th Anniversary of the U.S. Navy Submarine Force (Proc. 7363) 225th Anniversary of the United States Army (Proc. 7322) 50th Anniversary of the Korean War (Proc. 7324) Afterschool Week (Proc. 7353) America Goes Back to School (Proc. 7336) America Recycles Day (Proc. 7377) American Heart Month (Proc. 7271) American Red Cross Month (Proc. 7278) Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (Proc. 7299) Bicentennial of the Library of Con- gress (Proc. 7296) Bill of Rights Day (Proc. 7386) Cancer Control Month (Proc. 7284) Captive Nations Week (Proc. 7330) Census Day (Proc. 7286) Child Health Day (Proc. 7349) Citizenship Day and Constitution Week (Proc. 7343) Columbus Day (Proc. 7357) Day of Honor (Proc. 7313) Death of American servicemembers aboard the U.S.S. Cole (Procs. 7362, 7364) Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 7282) Eleanor Roosevelt Day (Proc. 7360) Father's Day (Proc. 7323) Fire Prevention Week (Proc. 7354) Flag Day and National Flag Week (Proc. 7321) Gay and Lesbian Pride Month (Proc. 7316) General Pulaski Memorial Day (Proc. 7361) German-American Day (Proc. 7352) Global Science and Technology Week (Proc. 7304) Gold Star Mother's Day (Proc. 7344) Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy (Proc. 7283) 452

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